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85 people died in a stampede at a charity event in Yemen.

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85 people died in a stampede at a charity event in Yemen. Huthi army opened fire to disperse the crowd, and terrified people trampled one another.

More than 85 people were killed in Yemen’s capital Sana’a on the last day of Ramadan due to a stampede in the programme of zakat distribution, or financial aid. Over 322 people were injured. Thirteen of the injured are in critical condition. The Interior Ministry, which is controlled by Houthi forces, stated that the event was organised by local traders without the assistance of the local administration. It was attended by a large number of poor people.

To control the crowd, Houthi soldiers opened fire in the air, blowing up a power line in the process. As a result of the blast’s fear, people began to run in all directions and continued to crush one another. Since Eid won’t arrive for another two days, the people were given this financial assistance.

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There were lines that were more than 2 kilometres long.


According to Yemeni media, the number of people present at the time of the accident is unknown. A small road led to the location of the financial assistance. There was a 2-kilometer-long queue. People were rushing from place to place because financial assistance was being distributed. It can be seen in the viral photos and videos that have reached a large number of people.

The Huthi army ascribed responsibility for the incident to the charity event’s organisers.

Brigadier Abdul-Khaleq al-Aghari, the ministry’s spokesman, attributed the stampede to the event’s planners. According to him, this incident would not have occurred if the charity event had been planned after consulting with the local government. The task of distributing money at random was handled by the organisers.

The Houthi rebels completely sealed off the school where the event was held shortly after the incident. According to the Home Ministry, two of the event’s organisers have been arrested and are being interrogated.

More than 3 lakh people have perished in the conflict so far.


In recent years, the ongoing civil war in Yemen has escalated into a conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran. More than 3 lakh people have died as a result of this so far. Both civilians and combatants were among the dead. Around 21 million people in Yemen require assistance and protection, according to the UN. Due to the fighting, more than 11,000 kids have suffered injuries in the past 8 years. There are about 22 lakh malnourished children in this country. Only $1.2 billion of the $4.3 billion aid target for Yemen, according to the UN, has been raised as of February.

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