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AInstein Robot With ChatGPT Introduces AI Technology to Classrooms in Cyprus

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AInstein, the diminutive robot, resembles a sculptured version of the Michelin Man and stands about the size of a small adult.

To enhance learning opportunities in the classroom, high school students and their tutors in Cyprus have created a prototype robot powered by ChatGPT artificial intelligence technology.

The diminutive robot known as AInstein, built by three Pascal Schools in Cyprus, is about the size of a small adult and resembles a sculptured Michelin Man. It is powered by ChatGPT, a chatbot created by the US company OpenAI with support from Microsoft. With blinks and frowns, a face-shaped screen tries to resemble human facial features.

Read Also:- After ChatGPT, Italy plans to ban English language.

It can tell jokes and speaks with a North American accent (Why was the math book depressed? Because it had too many issues), try to speak Greek, and offer suggestions for how to introduce Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity to students.


He claims that because it was made “before his time,” he does not have a favourite film. But he likes to read science books and play the violin in his free time.

The lead programmer of the AI brain and student Richard Erkhov, 16, claimed that artificial intelligence was about to advance exponentially. Erkhov told Reuters that it “might help in a lot of areas of life, such as education and medicine.”

Vladimir Baranov, a 15-year-old student, added that the technology was “incredible.””It mimics human thought, provides responses and answers that are human. It needs more polish right now. But, he continued, “it is getting there.

The ultimate goal of AInstein, according to tutors, is to integrate it into instruction.

It’s a really engaging experience. According to tutor and project manager Elpidoforos Anastasiou, students can ask him questions and he can respond. He can also help teachers deliver a lesson more effectively.


By moving a pendulum in relation to the gravitational field in which it is placed, Einstein explained how gravitational time dilation from his theory of time relativity can be explained, Anastasiou showed how AI can be applied to the classroom.Project participants said that their experience with AInstein demonstrated that they have nothing to fear from AI.

Although technological advancements far outpace legislative efforts, the European Union is considering legislation governing artificial intelligence.

The question of whether the technology should be feared is addressed by AInstein. “Humans are the ones who design and regulate AI, so it is our responsibility to make sure that its advancement and application benefit humanity. Therefore, rather than being afraid of AI, we should approach it carefully and with due diligence.

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