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Amit Shah: “When the UPA was in power, CBI pressured me to frame PM Modi.”

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Amit Shah

Rahul Gandhi has been making noise and blaming Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his fate rather than seeking a higher court, according to Amit Shah.

As he was being questioned by the CBI during the Congress-led UPA administration, Union Home Minister Amit Shah claimed on Wednesday that the agency was “putting pressure” on him to “frame” Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a case involving a purported fake encounter in Gujarat.In response to a query regarding the opposition’s claim that the Narendra Modi administration is “misusing” central agencies to target them, Mr. Amit Shah made this statement during the “News 18 Rising India” programme.

When he was the chief minister of Gujarat, the CBI “was putting pressure” on him to “frame Modi ji” in a bogus encounter case, he claimed, but the BJP never made a scene. Regarding Rahul Gandhi being found guilty of criminal defamation by a Surat court, the home minister stated that the Congressman was not the only politician to be found guilty and expelled from the legislature.He claimed that Rahul Gandhi has been making noise and blaming Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his misfortune rather than seeking a higher court.

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Rahul Gandhi should pursue his case in a higher court, according to Mr. Shah, rather than attempting to place the blame on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He claimed that while convictions cannot be stayed, the Congress is misinforming the public. If the court so decides, the sentence can be suspended, he added.He has not filed an appeal to have his conviction overturned. What sort of conceit is this? You ask for a favour. You want to remain a member of parliament and refuse to appear before the court, Mr. Amit Shah said.  He questioned how such haughtiness is created.


During the UPA government, a 2013 Supreme Court order stated that an elected representative would lose his seat immediately after conviction. According to Mr. Amit Shah , 17 prominent leaders, including Lalu Prasad, J. Jayalalitha, and Raashid Alvi, had lost their membership as a result. Nevertheless, he claimed that no one objected to wearing black clothing because it is the “law of the land.”Listen to Rahul Gandhi’s entire speech, he urged, “He has not only spoken derogatory remarks about Modi Ji, he has spoken derogatory remarks about the entire Modi community and OBC society.”

“The country’s laws are unambiguous. Politics motivated by vengeance is not at issue. It is the Supreme Court of India’s decision, which was rendered during their administration, according to Mr. Amit Shah .When Mr. Amit Shah was questioned about the notice requiring him to leave his bungalow, he questioned why there should be a “special favour” when the Supreme Court had instructed him to act as soon as the conviction takes effect.

Rahul Gandhi made that statement on purpose. Rahul Gandhi shouldn’t have requested bail if he didn’t want to apologise. Please don’t let him apologize, Mr. Amit Shah said.”This man is not the first to do it. Because of this provision, politicians with much greater positions and experience have been forced to resign from the party, according to the home minister. The only time India’s democracy is in danger, according to him, is when a member of the Gandhi family is disqualified, not when Lalu Ji was disqualified.

“Now that he is affected, they are urging the creation of a special law for the Gandhi family. I want to ask the citizens of this nation if a single family should be subject to a different set of laws. This mentality is what kind? They begin blaming Modi Ji and the Speaker of the Lok Sabha for everything. Shah, Mr.

Senior attorneys who are Rajya Sabha members for the Congress should inform their colleagues that the disqualification has nothing to do with the Lok Sabha Speaker. According to the country’s laws, all of his parliamentary speeches had to be expunged from the records as soon as he was found guilty. It would serve no purpose even if his disqualification notice was served a few days later,


The BJP, according to Mr. Amit Shah , does not want the Supreme Court’s order changed. Rahul Gandhi criticised the Manmohan Singh government’s Ordinance, which was intended to block the Supreme Court’s ruling.Who in his government would have had the guts to make it into law after he tore it apart? A veto was used. He might have been saved if that ordinance had been made into a law, according to Mr. Amit Shah.

The Home Minister claimed Veer Savarkar was the only freedom fighter who had received a two-life sentence in Andaman prison when asked about Rahul Gandhi’s remark about Savarkar. Such language shouldn’t have been used for a freedom fighter,

Rahul needs to read his grandmother’s remark about Veer Savarkar. He claimed that members of his own party have counselled him against criticising Savarkar.

“Amit Shah predicted that Modi would once again be prime minister in 2024 with a larger margin of victory. According to him, the opposition is not united and the BJP will win more seats in the 2024 elections than it did in the 2019 elections.Regarding the upcoming elections in Karnataka, Mr. Amit Shah predicted that the BJP would easily pass the halfway point and establish a clear majority in the state’s legislature.

Mr. Amit Shah ruled out forming an alliance in Karnataka by declaring that “the BJP will definitely cross the halfway point and form the government with an absolute majority in Karnataka. We’ll secure the record mandate. He claimed that reservations based on religion are unconstitutional, citing the recent decision by the Karnataka government to end quotas on the basis of religion. “We have just fixed what the Congress government in Karnataka did because of polarisation. It ought to have been done sooner,”


The allegations about the abuse of investigative agencies against the opposition leaders were rejected by the minister of the interior. Mr. Amit Shah claimed that while the Congress government imprisoned innocent police officers, we never placed blame on the opposition.

According to Mr. Amit Shah , the BJP won the elections in 2014 and 2019 on the platform of fighting corruption. He claimed that of the 1.10 lakh crore of assets seized by the Enforcement Directorate, only 5% belonged to political leaders. Should we give up on the war against corruption? If the accused is a politician, should we not take action?The Home Minister enquired as to who had brought legal action against Lalu Prasad Yadav and sent a planeload of officials out of Delhi to detain Shaikh Abdullah.

Invoking agency abuse, Mr. Amit Shah claimed that thousands of innocent people were imprisoned for the duration of the Emergency, which lasted 19 months, and he questioned who was responsible. He claimed that it was his grandmother, Indira Gandhi.

Mr. Amit Shah responded that the Shiv Sena and the BJP were what the people of Maharashtra wanted and that the real Shiv Sena is now a part of the BJP.   “I also acknowledge that the BJP could have established the government in Maharashtra on its own. The merger of the Shiv Sena is inevitable.He suggested that the Congress reflect on its role in corruption. In Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh, there is a strong sense of resentment towards the Congress governments.  We will undoubtedly prevail in the Madhya Pradesh elections.

In the Rajasthan elections, Mr. Amit Shah claimed that no decision had been made regarding the face. People want to replace Rajasthan’s chief minister, he claimed.Regarding Amritpal Singh, Mr. Amit Shah stated that regardless of the administration, he meets with the chief minister of Punjab every three months and supports the party when it comes to national security.


In relation to the Amritpal case, “many people have been arrested, and police and intelligence agencies are working on the case,”Mr. Amit Shah referred to attacks on Indian embassies as an attack on India.  He declared, “We will take action against those responsible for the attack; a FIR has already been filed in Delhi.”

According to Mr. Amit Shah , Sikhs made a significant contribution to India’s freedom and every Sikh wants to be with India.Any conflict between the government and the judiciary was disregarded by the home minister.  

Both are making an effort within what they can,” he said. He stated that the government must pass laws right away, and the Parliament will consider them.

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