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The Jaipur court issues a maintenance judgement and awards 280 kilogramme of coins worth Rs 55,000

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A Jaipur court mandated Rs. 2.25 lakh in maintenance and imprisoned the defendant for failing to comply. Then, the man’s family made a partial payment of Rs 55,000, which was made up entirely of 280 kg of coins. The court then took this action

This payment weighted 280 kilogrammes and was for Rs 55,000.

Dashrath Kumawat of Jaipur was imprisoned for failing to give his wife the money imposed as maintenance by the court. His family members decided to cover a portion of the cost on his behalf.

And they worked hard at it.

Anyone else would have deposited 110 notes of Rs. 500 or written a bank cheque. A savvy person would have taken advantage of this chance to dispose of some Rs. 2,000 notes. It probably wouldn’t have taken more than 27 or 28 notes.


But the extra district judge’s court in Jaipur received seven boxes filled with coins worth Rs 55,000 from Dashrath’s family. The weight of the coins, which were in the values of Re 1, Rs 2, Rs 5, and Rs 10, was around 280 kg.

This was a party payment of the dowry harassment case’s maintenance award to Dashrath’s wife.Even counting the coins would be intrusive. What should be done, then?The judge was left shocked and amused, but nothing can be left to chance in a nation where rodents steal confiscated alcohol from official malkhanas.

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The judge then gave directions to make sure the coins were stored and counted securely.The coins, which are housed in seven enormous boxes, weigh a combined total of almost 280 kg and come in the denominations of Re 1, Rs 2, Rs 5, and Rs 10.

It all started more than ten years ago. Twelve years ago, Dashrath Kumawat wed Seema. After a few years of marriage, Seema accused her husband of harassing her regarding the dowry.For the past five years, the case has been heard in court. The court also mandated Dashrath to give Seema a maintenance allowance of Rs. 2.25 lakh.


Dashrath was imprisoned because he disobeyed the court’s directives.After learning that the man was in jail, his family decided to give Seema Rs. 55,000 as part of the maintenance payment. They made a point of paying with only coins.Ramprakash Kumawat, Seema’s attorney, claimed that delivering the money in coins was an intentional act of harassment and was therefore inhumane.

Raman Gupta, Dashrath’s lawyer, argued that the coins are legal tender in India and should be recognised as such.The court noted that it would be difficult to precisely count the coins given the large amount of coins.

The judge then instructed Dashrath to arrange the coins into bags of 1,000 rupees apiece and bring them before the judge for counting. The correct coin count will take place on June 26 as set by the court.

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