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Bengaluru police hassle a couple for walking on the road “late at night” and want money

credent tv



Bengaluru police hassle a couple for walking on the road

Credent Tv: Last week, two police officers harassed a married couple in Bengaluru, the capital of Karnataka, for out and about late at night. The incident that stunned both the resident and his wife, Karthik Patri, was published on Twitter. Patri penned, “I want to tell you about a horrible thing my wife and I went through last night. Midnight was approaching at 12:30. My wife and I had just attended a friend’s cake-cutting ceremony and were returning home on foot “.

A pink Hoysala patrol van stopped by Patri and his wife while they were a short distance from our entrance gate, according to Patri, who lives close to Manyata Tech Park.

“Two men in police uniforms asked us to show our ID cards. We were taken aback. Why should an adult couple walking on the street on a normal day be asked to show their ID cards?” Written by Patri

They only had a phone and a box of cake with them, the couple recalled. Their phones were suddenly taken away by the police, who then began questioning them about their “relationship, location of employment, parental details, etc.”


The police made a note of the Aadhaar numbers on their phones and issued a challan.

A police officer informed Patri that she was not permitted to drive after 11 p.m.

As their phones were seized, Patri and his wife opted to apologise to the police officers rather than confront them.

Patri and his wife decided to apologise to the police officers rather than argue with them as their phones were taken away and assistance was nowhere to be seen.

It was late at night, our phones had been seized, aid was nowhere to be found, and the last thing we needed was a confrontation with two officers, wrote Patri.


However, the police kept bothering her. They began demanding cash from the couple.

The two men refused to let us go and demanded 3,000 as a penalty, Patri continued. “We believed we were over it, but it seemed as if the two men were waiting for this time. Our hearts sank.

Patri said that the police were out to deceive innocent bystanders. We genuinely begged them to let us go, but they wouldn’t budge, and we ended up being their victims.

According to Patri, the police threatened them with grave consequences if they did not pay and showed them images of prisoners.

One of the officers then pulled Patri aside and counselled him to pay the bare minimum to get out of trouble.


The troubled couple ultimately paid $1,000 to the police, and their only mistake was that they were out and about after dark.

“I consented to pay $1,000 and end the matter. As soon as I scanned the PayTM QR code and completed the transaction, the man held up a PayTM QR code, then released us while issuing a stern warning: “If I and my wife are ever seen walking on the road at midnight, they would register a strong case… against us and ensure that we keep circling around the court, “Patri tweeted something.

Patri tweeted Bengaluru City police after arriving home, asking, “Is this not torture that is sanctioned by the law? Is this how law-abiding, honourable residents of this country are supposed to be treated? Who do we turn to if the law’s keepers themselves violate the law and prey on defenceless citizens?”

After learning of the offence, the city police detained the perpetrators on Sunday.

Bengaluru City Police posted on Twitter that “two police personnel from SAMPIGEHALLI BCP responsible for the incident have been identified, suspended, and departmental action commenced.”


It further stated, “We will not accept deviant behaviour from its workers.”

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