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The Chief Justice NV Ramana: Media bias demolishes democracy and the system

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Chief Justice NV Ramana
Chief Justice NV Ramana

Credent TV | The Chief Justice NV Ramana issued a scathing rebuke on Saturday, calling the behaviour of people participating in kangaroo courts on television debates and social media “biassed,” “ill-informed,” and “agenda-driven.” He said that these people were responsible for the country moving backwards.
The remarks have taken on a much greater significance in light of the reaction to a verdict that was handed down earlier this month regarding the comments made by a former spokesperson for the BJP named Nupur Sharma about the Prophet Muhammad. The verdict found that the comments had stoked communal tension across the country.

Chief Justice NV Ramana in an academic event in Ranchi

“There are coordinated efforts being made against judges across various social media platforms. It’s possible that the judges won’t act right away. Thank you The statement was made by Chief Justice NV Ramana when he was speaking at an academic event in Ranchi.

According to what the Chief Justice had to say about the topic, “New media technologies have immense amplification potential but seem to be incapable of discerning between the right and the wrong, the good and the bad, and the genuine and the false.”

Chief Justice NV Ramana
Chief Justice NV Ramana

“Trials conducted in the media cannot serve as a basis for decisions on cases. We see the media acting as kangaroo courts, sometimes on matters that are difficult for even seasoned judges to resolve ” The Chief Justice NV Ramana said.

“Ill-informed and agenda-driven arguments on matters regarding justice delivery are proving to be damaging to the health of democracy,” he continued. “This is proving to be destructive to the health of democracy.”


According to the Chief Justice NV Ramana, prejudiced viewpoints that are widely disseminated in the media are detrimental to democracy and do it damage. He said that throughout this procedure, the administration of justice suffers negative effects.

According to Justice Ramana, who was commenting on the situation, “by overstepping and breaking your duties, you are moving our democracy two steps backwards.”

According to the most senior judge, print media retains some degree of responsibility, and he or she said, “Whereas the content of electronic media is completely unaccountable since it is instantly deleted after being broadcast. However, the social media is even worse.”

Chief Justice NV Ramana
Chief Justice NV Ramana

The Chief Justice NV Ramana added that he urges the media to engage in self-regulation “It is in the best interest of the media to self-regulate and exercise caution with their word choice. I strongly encourage digital and social media to act in a responsible manner. The voice of the electronic media should rather be used to educate people and energise the country.”

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