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DAV Jaipur celebrates Cultural fest of Juniors

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DAV Jaipur has a unique culture of organizing their annual function in a thoughtful manner

The cultural fest – Abhivyakti is organized for each class giving equal opportunities to each child and ensuring 100% participation in the event. The theme of each grade’s function differs from the other. Grade 1 Cultural fest – Abhivyakti, witnessed the tiny kids dancing their heart out to classical and feet tapping numbers, enacting in an English skit to a very significant issue of deforestation and growing forests, a ramp walk of the celestial bodies since the Big bang theory, a Hindi skit on parents’ usage of media and urging parents to spend more quality time with their children, a choir on peace and an address to our foundation – the ten principles of Arya Samaj and its integration in our lives for a conscious and happy way of leading life. This fest encourages the maximum participation of their most important stakeholders after their kids, the parents.

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The parents exhibited a beautiful dance performance along with their kids. The principal, Mr. Ashok Kumar Sharma along with guests, alumnus Ms. Bhoomika Dubey and LMC member Ms. Amardeep Chopra highly appreciated the entire arrangement and idea of grade wise cultural fest. The principal expressed his gratitude to the parents for their active participation and motivation.

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