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Earth Day

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Earth Day began in 1970 as a day to celebrate the planet and encourage people to be more environmentally friendly. The first celebration was held in the US after a devastating oil spill

Activities associated with the day often include planting trees, raising awareness about recycling, volunteering for green projects. In 1970, the year of our first Earth Day, the movement gave voice to an emerging consciousness, channeling human energy toward environmental issues. Earth Day is more than just a single day — April 22, 2016. It’s bigger than attending a rally and taking a stand. Today, the fight for a clean environment continues with increasing urgency, as the ravages of climate change become more manifest every day. We invite you to be a part of Earth Day. “Earth Day is the largest, environmental movement.

let’s do big. Let’s plant  more and more trees for the Earth and make cities 100% renewable. Let’s start now. And let’s not stop.

source:social media


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