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What is Emotional Healing?

The process of fixing or improving the damage caused to emotions in a human body is called Emotional Healing. Emotion itself is a very vast term. It includes every kind of reaction, feeling, thought, response, and expression to any situation. Many people misunderstand the term Emotion with a negative feeling and expression. For example, if someone cries more often, we title that person as an emotional person. And that’s not right! Emotion is an umbrella term that includes both positive as well as negative emotions present in an individual body. As per medical research, Anger, Surprise, Disgust, Enjoyment, Fear, and Sadness are identified as six basic emotions. Hence, expressing and balancing those basic emotions in a healthy pattern contributes to the overall process of emotional healing.

Factors Affecting Emotional Health

Upbringing – The most basic factor that affects an individual’s emotions is the way and structure of his upbringing. The things that a child had been taught while growing; create a powerful and long-lasting impact on his memory. So, it is crucial to analyze what you are about to deliver to your child.

Family environment – The group of people among whom he is born and will going to live his life; decides his behavioral traits and way of expressing emotions. Parents often shut their child when he cries; by saying ‘Ache Bacchee Rote Nahi‘ Also, some parents treat him badly when a child expresses his anger. Taking care of a child’s emotions and giving them enough space to express them is what healthy parenting includes.

Society/Surroundings- We live in a society where expressing your emotions is weak. The shameful part is; these human emotions are also categorized based on both genders. Tears are for females while Anger is for males. ‘Kya Ladki ki Tarah Ro Raha hai’ ‘Mard Nahi Rote’ are some of the common phrases we get to hear around us. On the other side, ‘Jyada Mard Mat Ban; ‘Ladki Hai to Ladki Ki Tarah Reh‘ are some dialogues a girl has to deal with whenever she tries to show her anger or disgust. So, in this way, a person learns to hold those emotions to survive in society.

What is Emotional healing

Individuality- Although, parenting and upbringing play a major role in building an emotional structure of an individual. The individual emotional traits that are already inbuilt in him also contribute to the overall emotional balance. For example, some people are vulnerable to take up and react to any situation, like they easily cry or easily laugh while some are comparatively strong to accept the condition and behave accordingly.

How does Emotional Imbalance Affect Physical Health?

The situation when emotions in a human body are not balanced in a proper structure or the condition where a person feels uneasy and loaded with complex emotions is known as Emotional Imbalance.

It not only affects mental health but also creates a negative impact on physical health in many unexpected ways.

Dr. Urvi Haria, Emotional Healer and Facilitator states that the emotions which were never expressed or shared out loud get stored in the emotional body in form of ‘Emotional Blueprints’. These blueprints collectively start to affect physical health in any form of the disease. For example, A very common problem girls face these days is PCOD which describes the condition of hormonal imbalance in a girl. This hormonal imbalance is a result of that emotional imbalance only which was never taken into consideration. And that is where Emotional Healing comes in. The process in which a healer or a doctor focuses on the emotions that are stored back in your mind for a very long period. Balancing those emotions in a structured way is the only permanent solution to such hormonal imbalances.

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