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Moon may soon have its own time zone

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The European Union is advocating for the Moon to establish its own time zone in light of this

More and more organizations, whether they are supported by governments or private space agencies, are developing space missions as each year goes by. The potential for establishing colonies on the moon is another endeavor that has received a lot of attention.

The European Union is advocating for the Moon to establish its own time zone in light of this. This topic was originally discussed among space organization’s in November 2022 at the ESA’s ESTEC technical facility in the Netherlands

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They said that because time zones make lunar missions more complex, this standardizes lunar operations and solves a fundamental problem with space travel.


The European Space Agency (ESA) tweeted, “How do we tell the time on the Moon? “, as part of its determined drive to establish a lunar time zone. A common clock is required for the new era of space travel. We are collaborating with NASA and other international partners to develop a standard time system that will enable lunar missions to coordinate, communicate, and navigate on their own.

The definition of a second is the same worldwide, even though it is understood that time will move more quickly on the Moon than it does on Earth. The ESA stated that it has not yet been determined whether a single organisation should be in charge of establishing and upholding lunar time, as well as if it should operate independently or be kept in synchronisation with the Earth.

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