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Government vs Private Schools

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Government vs Private Schools

When it comes to choosing a school for their children, every parent has to think thrice because it is not just a choice but also the future of their children and no parent can even think of taking a single risk. There are many public and private schools offering different quality education. In order to make correct choice, let us discuss some of the points.

  1. Location- It is one the important factors that should be kept in mind while taking the decision because many consider the nearby location for the choice of the school. In order to save convince charges and to be in nearby location of the school in case of any miss happening. Sending their child to a known location, always keep the parents relaxed regarding the security of their child.
  2. Reputation or Popularity- Many parents consider the reputation or the popularity of the school for their child’s admission. Generally, rich parents in order to keep their standard maintained prefer to send their child to the most reputed school of the town.
  3. Cost- Keeping the cost in mind middle class or low income group families try to make choice of private school contains less expenses or the best choice they make is to choose public school that takes very less fees from their students or those public schools which charges no fees and they even provide mid day meals to their students. Keeping the expenses in mind, many families make choice of the school.
  4. Security or Safety- With the increasing corruption in society, parents are highly insecure about their children. Since the security measures are least focused in public schools, they find it better to send their children in private schools where safety of their children is the top most priority.
  5. Academic results- Sometimes it just does not matter weather the school is public or private because for some parents what matter is the result of the school. Many-times the schools run by the government comes out with better results of their students compared to the results of private school’s students while at some point private schools does well than public school due to lack of well educated staff. Therefore, it is completely unto the result, which the schools give.
  6. Infrastructure facilities- Since the funds generated by the private schools are much higher than the funds given to the public schools by the government. Due to this, infrastructure facilities and overall development of a child happen more in public schools compared to private schools.
  7. Admission procedure- One of the key factors to keep in mind when the admission procedure takes; place by several public and private schools. Admission in public schools is much easier than private schools. In public schools, admission is all the students based on their family’s identity- proof whereas in private schools, admission procedure is lengthy and tuff. Here education of parents, their yearly income and even their background is also consideration. Interview of the students and their parents is also one of the tasks performed while giving admission in private schools. Therefore, for uneducated or less educated parents, sending their child to a government school is much easier than sending their child to a private school.

Therefore, we have concluded that both public and private schools have negative as well as positive points. It completely depends on the factors considered by the parents while making decision.

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