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Guidance Towards Choosing The Right Career

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A Proper guidance given to any individual can lead him/her from nobody to somebody. Education plays a vital role in our lives especially when we have to make first step to choose our respective fields.
Weather it’s a topper or an average student each one is concerned about their respective careers. So the first question arises is to choose which field? No matter what you have scored in specific subjects, what matter is your interest, your willingness to pursue a specific field or a specific field. Being excellent also doesn’t matter what matter is how passionately you perform your job weather it is studying your subject or doing your job because experience will make u gradually provide u excellence and keep in experience is only achieved by stability and you can be stable if you love your work because its not just a question of earning money its about feeling contented about whatever you choose to do.
As it is said no pains no gains. There are certain hurdles which may distract your mind from choosing the field of your interest. Some of them are as under:-
1.One of the most known obstacles for many aspirants is that they all are forced by their parents to be like somebody else that is to be an engineer or to a doctor like their friend’s son or daughter.
2.Second obstacle is money, there are hundreds of students who have a passion of doing a specific work but lack of money leads them to do the work which provides them money.
3.Third is the feeling if competition from their mates and they leads them to choose the same stream as of their friend.
4.There are certain parents who have always dream of becoming something in their lives but due to some obligations they couldn’t achieve their dream. So they force their children emotionally to fulfill their dream.
But a proper education always makes you strong to overcome such hurdles. A true education always guides to have somebody or something for your inspiration, so that you always feel motivated to keep moving towards your aim.
The way to choose correct stream is always shown by a proper guidance. It doesn’t matter to score high or to be a topper. There are certain students who are never good at studies but they are good at extra curricular activities. So for all the students it is always fruitful to choose their interested fields no matter which field it is. Your passion is the key to who you should follow to choose your career.

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