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Hackers target the ICMR website 6,000 times per day after AIIMS

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Hackers target the ICMR website 6,000 times per day after AIIMS

CredentTv: The attack on the website of India’s top medical research centre occurs while AIIMS servers have been offline for two weeks as a result of a ransomware attack.

With the AIIMS servers already compromised, cybercriminals have stepped up their attacks on the websites and patient information systems of other Indian health and research organizations.

On November 30, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) website was targeted more than 6,000 times in a 24-hour period, according to a government official from the National Informatics Center (NIC), who spoke to MoneyControl on the condition of anonymity.

The official responded that the series of attacks on the ICMR website were launched from the Hong Kong-based blacklisted IP address


The attackers were stopped and rendered ineffective. The team has been informed about it. According to the NIC official, if the firewall had any vulnerabilities, the attackers might have been successful in getting past the website’s security.

Officials from the ICMR declined to comment on this story.

Read Also – Hackers at AIIMS Delhi Demand a High Ransom to Decrypt Data, According to Intel Sources

The person claims that the NIC has requested that the government agencies keep their firewalls updated.

The NIC recommendations must be adhered to strictly. He stated that the government organisations have been urged to upgrade operating system security fixes.


According to the official, one of the top possible targets for hackers has been the patient information system in healthcare organisations.

Since 2020, there have been more cyberattacks on the website of the World Health Organization, he continued.

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