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Heal your mind And Your body and life are healed :-Meeraa Sampathkumar

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Meeraa Sampathkumar

Meeraa Sampathkumar

Interview for Credent TV

Q:  Tell us about your background

Meeraa Sampathkumar comes from a highly educated cultured family background. She is a postgraduate in Microbiology with a Gold Medal and has been a CSIR Research Fellow with a good amount of research experience. She is also a graduate of Psychology and has specialised in a variety of Counseling Techniques.

She uses NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Transactional Analysis, Gestalt Analysis, and other methods with her patient. In addition, she also conducts in-depth discussions with her patients. She is constantly transforming the lives of her clients through her range of modalities and courses. 


Meeraa is a certified Holistic Health Professional. She is highly trained and experienced and constantly updates her skills and knowledge in the field of Sujok Therapy, Counseling and Psychological Intervention in order to incorporate an eclectic treatment approach for her patients. She is authorised by the International Sujok Association and is a veteran practitioner and trainer. She has 23 years of experience in this field- treating both physical and mental problems. She’s known for her skill in finding the root cause of problems and persevering until the problem is solved.

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She treats her patients with care, compassion, and empathy. She is also a Reiki Grandmaster, and a Pranic healer. Most of her patients, after speaking with her are able to develop the right life Management Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Goal Setting and achieving, relationship Management Skills, as well as self Esteem, self Confidence, and motivation to achieve success and happiness.

Q:  Tell us about your contribution to society.

Meeraa is committed to social causes and the improvement of society. She actively promotes a campaign for health for all. She has contributed substantially towards this goal through her Sujok Therapy & Acupuncture and Counseling skills. She has effectively treated people with diverse ailments with Sujok. She has treated nervous, respiratory, Musculoskeletal, gynecological, digestive, infertility, renal problems and so much more with her approach.


She has also trained many people in Sujok, both in groups and one-on-one sessions. Her students are then able to carry on her mission. Through her counselling, she has healed the lives of many. After the session, her clients are emotionally intelligent and balanced and can manage their life goals with self-esteem, and confidence, and navigate successfully through different dimensions of life. She has been a strong pillar of support for people driven to desperation by their problems, helping them to powerfully achieve their life and career goals with empathy and care.

Q: How did you plan to be a Mental Health Expert/Healer/Counsellor, what was the key challenge?

Well, I didn’t really plan on becoming one, it sort of just happened. I had gone through very harsh life challenges, and I was crushed and broken. At that time there were very few counsellors available, and I was so laden with responsibilities that I didn’t even have a minute to think about my desperation. I didn’t know that there were people out there who are willing to help me! I struggled with my issues and did my best to resolve them on my own. Naturally, my father was a great support and with his help, I stabilised my life. I first trained in Reiki and Self-practice and meditation, which helped me to be an effective healer. I managed to sort out my issues when my training for counselling began.

As with each technique, you learn you go through it yourself. You heal and feel complete. The whole experience taught me to be compassionate and supportive. To broken, desperate others that’s all that I could give, .and wonder of wonders, I found that this is what they need- support and encouragement- and I decided to become a Mental Health expert. I studied psychology and trained in various counselling modalities. I specialised in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and then became a counsellor! The challenge is that in India people think going for counselling means that you are mentally unstable.

They feel ashamed, but now it is understood that certain situational problems we face in life can make us confused and ineffective, and counselling makes us strong and confident and provides us with the necessary support required to face and solve the issues. Looking to cure emotional challenges by talking to a counsellor is similar to going to a doctor for a fever. More importantly, such challenges should be addressed with compassion and dignity.


 Another challenge is that many who go through confrontations and failures always blame people and situations. They are not prepared to adapt, and that ends in a messy life. It’s a great challenge to get people to go to therapy, but once they get counselled, they become adaptive, diplomatic, effective, and solve things smoothly. It’s satisfying that, despite different challenges, I could become a successful therapist.

Q: Explain your career and the challenges that you faced starting your career.

My dream was always to alleviate the pain of humans and create a healthy society. My career followed my dream, it was a means to achieve this, a road to physical and mental health. Different modalities or a combination of methods are used to create perfect health of mind, body, soul, and spirit. Over a span of more than 20 years in the field of healing, I have refined the efficacy of healing therapies, and hundreds of individuals have successfully achieved health.

From the beginning, I had a firm belief that the mind has a massive role to play in the physical and mental health of a person. This idea is substantiated by the scriptures of different faiths as they teach us to always believe, think, and speak about the realisation of our goals, with trust and faith in God. This principle is further promoted by modern medicine as a psychosomatic illness is seriously considered. My career started with Reiki, I was taught by a dear friend who thought it would help me to face life and solve my problems happily. I practised myself first and became peaceful and found some ways to resolve issues.

I also realised the importance of spirituality and God’s connection as it was a humble request from God to heal us, help our goals, or give success to our efforts. After experiencing healing through Reiki, I became a practitioner and all the troubled people got relief and achieved their dreams. My confidence increased and after a couple of years, new doors opened for me.


I learnt SuJok purely by chance, as a friend was organising a seminar of Professor Park Jae Woo, the originator of this therapy. I learnt Sujok and got a powerful healing modality in my hand- a method to heal physical, emotional, and mental problems and even problems at spiritual levels. I enthusiastically started practising Sujok and achieved good success. I also started training with some experienced counsellors and observed and imbibed their working methods. Then I suddenly got a chance to learn NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) from Dr Richard McHugh, a PhD in NLP, and a gem of a teacher and therapist. After training till the senior level, I could add another powerful modality to my list.

I learnt Pranic Healing and some other techniques as well. Through all this time I also trained and practised meditation winch really helped me and made me peaceful and forgiving.  Armed with a panoply of healing devices, I enthusiastically launched myself into a professional alternate healing career. Adversities in life can seriously affect a person, and the agony and desperation many times create a mental state, which if not resolved, leads to physical problems in the body and further suffering. By healing the mind, the body regains perfect health.

  To heal the mind, Sujok Therapy, counselling, or both together is most effective. Counselling or psychological intervention can be done by various methods, sometimes simply talking is enough, NLP, Transactional Analysis, etc. Now after more than twenty years in this field, I can with contentment say that, by the grace of God, many have been helped to develop self-esteem, and self-confidence, achieve their personal and professional goals, have good interpersonal skills, have good relationships, and live a balanced life.

Q: What are your future plans and projects?

My future plans are naturally always about spreading the message of Holistic Health. The health of body, mind, soul and spirit and health in all aspects. When the individual is on the path to achieving perfection, there is a strong bond with our Creator, who then helps us to be successful and balanced. Our mind is then peaceful, and calm, and thinking is clear. Goal setting and achieving are well-defined and practical. Our interpersonal skills are good, and relationships with spouses, partners, friends, and colleagues are healthy and stable. In short, there is love, joy, peace, and success in life.


Therefore, people lead productive content lives. All this happens when the mind is strong and peaceful. Individuals can then achieve success and the world can become more wonderful. In order to work towards this goal, therapy and training are encouraged. Meditation, Tai Chi practice, Sujok therapy and counselling are all encouraged. Our aura and our surrounding energy bodies become cleansed and energised, energy is balanced, and the mind is strong. The mind is a great influence on our bodies and lives.

By going through all these practices, the body is fit, the mind gets stronger, and life becomes good. They create responsible, healthy, successful, individuals and society. Hence, our Creator leads our lives towards perfection.

Q: Tell us about your organisation.

The Sujok Healers use various counselling techniques, Bach Flower Remedies, Sujok, Meditation, and gentle fitness methods to cure the body mind spirit. A profession that’s a mission. A mission to help lessen the pain of people and overcome the pain of body mind soul spirit, with effective healing modalities. A profession whose mission statement is to earn with a strong intention to heal. The Sujok Healers treat all who come with courtesy, compassion, and care. We believe in providing healing with dignity.

We use every knowledge and skill and persevere until successful. We believe that every human being can be healed of their infirmities by awakening the innate healing powers of the body and inviting the help of the body to heal itself. Our efforts and skills are to awaken healing. Our dedication, perseverance, and care set us apart from all the other providing similar care.


Q: Tell us one thing which you feel sets you/your organisation apart from others.

The thing that sets The Sujok Healers apart is three words: courtesy, care, and compassion.

The Sujok Healers treat people with dignity and care. We listen carefully to what a person has to say, as we believe that the words a client uses, give big clues about the problem at hand. We believe that when a person describes their problems in their own words, their feelings are also expressed clearly. Only a person in trouble knows what they’re going through.

A report gives a perfect diagnosis, but the description of the person themselves reveals the full nature of the problem. They can then be given proper care, counselling, and treatment. So our attention is on the individual, their symptoms and feelings, and using the whole picture we have can be effective. We believe in the wholeness of the body, so anything, physical symptoms, behaviour, and behaviour variations, all create a large picture and working with this idea we try to create a whole health effect. We persevere until we can give relief and resolve the issues. We care enough to heal our clients.

Q: Message for readers.


Dear Readers,

It’s my sincere wish that everyone is healthy in mind and body and leads a successful, happy life. On the whole, when we feel unwell, we go to a doctor and indulge in either

Allopathy, homoeopathy, ayurveda, unani, or Siddha and take the medicine they give to regain health- Or we go for alternate healing, acupuncture, acupressure, reiki,  pranic healing, and so on. We exercise, have diet regimens, and fitness programmes and strive for physical fitness.

But when it comes to the mind or anything to do with mental disturbance, we casually brush it off as a slight temporary aberration. These little, ignored changes in behaviour, moodiness, anger, intolerance, etc, are actually strong indicators of some disturbance in the mind. We need to take ourselves to a professional, a counsellor or a doctor and get ourselves treated correctly.

If we do this we can live a comfortable life. If we ignore these problems then behavioural, relationship, interpersonal, professional, efficiency, learning, and all kinds of problems can come and we, therefore, invite serious issues into our lives. All this is also an illness which has to be treated and resolved with compassion and care. Be kind to yourselves.


Love yourself enough to do something about non-physical issues. Resolve them with counselling or medication, and lead a successful life with good relationships. For everything begins with a thought in your mind, and that thought affects your body and performance. So it’s very important to care for and heal our minds. I wish you all the very best in your physical and mental health. Best of luck.  

Q:  How was your experience with Credent TV?

My experience with Credent TV was amazing. I’ve been associated with them for some time now and can confidently say that they are among the best education channels around. Their programmes are perfect, have very good content, are well managed, and are well conducted.

Mr Sunil is very experienced and accomplished. He conducts the whole program with great skill. The audience never gets a chance to lose interest. He listens very carefully to all that’s said and talks about the core essence of what the speaker says. He livens up the show with his intelligent and humorous comments. He’s also very patient and shows compassion and encouragement to the speakers, who then bring out their best speeches. His management of the show is wonderful and it’s a pleasure to be with him in a show. The technical team is quite efficient and the shows have always been conducted with complete perfection.

The organisers and management team are very polite, very encouraging, and extremely correct in the arrangements. On the whole, Credent TV is well organized, and efficient in presenting the world of education with a vast range of information in a very audience-friendly manner. My best wishes are always with them.


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