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How to live a healthy life

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healthy life

What does a Healthy Life define?

Many of us misunderstand the term ‘healthy’ with a fit body shape. But it is not just an outer shape that defines a healthy body and a healthy living. In fact, the term ‘healthy’ determines the holistic well-being of an individual. This includes good food, a good mood, and a positive attitude towards life.

In order to live a healthy life, we must focus on our psychological health the way we do on our physical health.

How to set a healthy routine?

For living a healthy life, it is very important to set a proper psychological as well as physical routine. Basically, to initiate something; preparing our mind for doing that, is where we need to put our attention first. Because until and unless you are not psychologically ready and clear of what you really want to do, it would be very difficult to achieve the goal. So, prioritize your psychological routine over the physical one. 

Role of Body Physique in overall growth

Undoubtedly, our body physique or our physical appearance plays a vital role in building our personality. A person who is satisfied with his/her body physique will have a great level of confidence as compared to the person who feels bad about his/her body physique.


Now, there can be n’ number of reasons behind this problem. Hormonal imbalance, mental stress, heredity, imbalanced diet, not doing any physical activity or an unhealthy sleeping schedule are some major reasons which need to be taken into consideration. During a pandemic, every second person has suffered this situation. Obesity became a new normal for many. And this phase of covid and obesity has been titled ‘Co-Besity’.

Most of the time such health issues are easy to control but what if it gets out of our control? This is the point when mental and psychological problems come into play and turn it into something severe. But one needs to have patience and believe in themselves. Losing self-esteem and confidence can worsen the situation.

Dr. Siddhi Shah; Founder of Yana’s Healing Studio, has helped thousands of people with this problem by talking and providing them with some life-changing healing therapies. Hence, every bad situation or phase can result in something good and positive, only when you yourself want to make it happen. 

How to boost confidence in children to live a healthy life?

When the body was gaining weight, the shine on our faces was fading. Why? Because that weight was bringing so many other problems with it. The stress, the anxiety, the anger, and frequent mood swings. So, how to bring back that shine!?

Dr. Shachi Pareek; Director of Bhagwan Das Pareek Dream School, Newai, has taken a wonderful initiative on this particular situation where she along with her school faculties organized a seminar where they have motivated their students to live a healthy life and at the same time boost their confidence and self-esteem.


She very beautifully addressed this problem of her students by making them believe in themselves.

So, having patience and confidence in ourselves can achieve anything that we set our mind to.

‘Drop by Drop fills a pitcher’ 

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