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In the Madhya Pradesh Tiger Reserve, a 2-year-old tiger was discovered hanging by its neck

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Madhya Pradesh Tiger Reserve

Credent Tv: Officials believe that the locals may have accidentally trapped the tiger while setting the trap to catch another animal.

A 2-year-old tiger’s body was shockingly discovered hanging from a tree in the Panna Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh on Wednesday.

Officials from the forest claim that they were informed about the discovery of a dead male tiger on Tuesday evening in the Vikrampur forest. On Wednesday morning, when the authorities arrived at the scene, they discovered the animal hanging from a tree with a clutch wire (typically found in cars) around its neck.

The wire is typically used by poachers to trap animals, but authorities believe that the villagers may have accidentally set the trap to catch the tiger while trying to catch another animal.


Force. We shall know the reason for the death after the preliminary investigation by the dog squad is complete. The local villagers are being urged to come forward and provide any information they may have regarding this occurrence, according to senior forest conservation official Sanjeev Jha.

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To determine the cause of death, a postmortem on the animal’s body has been ordered.

The 3500 sq km Panna Tiger Reserve, located in Madhya Pradesh’s tiger heartland, is home to 15 to 32 tigers in the Vindhyan Hills. Nearly 13 settlements are also included in the national park region, some of which have been moved.
Six tiger reserves exist in Madhya Pradesh: Kanha, Bandhavgarh, Pench, Satpura, Panna, and Sanjay Dubri.

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