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Intermittent Fasting Could Disrupt Women’s Reproductive Hormones, Know Its Benefits And Side Effects

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Intermittent fasting is one of the most widely used methods to lose weight globally. Intermittent fasting involves eating something within a specified time. Apart from this, fasting for 6-8 hours every day and then consuming a light-nutritious diet. Experts believe that doing so can help burn fat easily. According to a review of studies in 2014, intermittent fasting can reduce body weight by 3-8% over a period of 3-24 weeks. This is the reason that the trend of intermittent fasting has increased a lot in many countries of the world including India.

Meanwhile, in a recent study, the team of scientists has alerted about some side effects of intermittent fasting in women. The team of researchers found that intermittent fasting affects the reproductive hormones of women. Scientists said that women using this method have come to know about problems related to becoming mothers. Due to hormonal imbalance, there can be a risk of many types of complications in the body along with reproduction, so such measures should be avoided without medical advice.

Let us know about this study in further detail.

DHEA hormone imbalance seen in women
In this study, published in the journal Obesity, the team of researchers reported that women who practiced intermittent fasting have been shown to have associated risks of DHEA hormone imbalance. Studies have shown that this dietary pattern causes a decrease in the production of this essential hormone in the body, which has also been shown to have an effect on egg quality and ovarian function.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone naturally produced by the adrenal gland. DHEA also helps produce other hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. Due to deficiency in this hormone, there can be a risk of sexual dysfunction, decreased sex drive (libido), impotence-infertility etc.


What did the study find?

To find out the side effects of intermittent fasting in women, a team led by lead researcher Dr Krista Varity at the University of Illinois at Chicago conducted a study for 8 weeks. It was found that while fasting can reduce weight, it has shown a decrease in the level of DHEA hormone in women. Deficiency of this hormone has been reported in both pre- and post-menopausal women. The researchers said on this basis that intermittent fasting cannot be considered a safe option for women who are trying to become mothers.

Decline in DHEA levels problematic

Although problems related to sex drive have not been seen in women who do intermittent fasting, says study researcher Dr. Variety, blood tests done during the study did reveal about DHEA hormone imbalance. Since this hormone is essential for reproduction and is considered essential for the quality of eggs, its deficiency can cause problems in becoming a mother. A drop in DHEA levels after menopause can lead to more serious complications as the hormone estrogen also begins to decline during this time.

What do the researchers say?


Researcher Krista says that an increase in the DHEA hormone has been seen to be associated with the risk of breast cancer. In such a situation, its reduction can help reduce that risk, but people need to be careful about its other risks. If women want to do intermittent fasting, then definitely consult your doctor before this. Other safe options can also be used to lose weight.

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