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April 4 will be recognised as International Day for Mine Awareness in 2023

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International Day

The International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action is observed annually on April 4 in order to raise awareness of the risks posed by explosive mines and to encourage.

2023: International Day of Mine Awareness and Mine Action

The International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action is observed annually on April 4 in order to raise awareness of the risks posed by explosive mines and to encourage support for efforts to get rid of them. Leading the mine action community, which is essential to achieving the objectives of mine action, is the UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS).

Theme for the International Day of Mine Awareness

For this year’s campaign, the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) has chosen the theme “Mine Action Cannot Wait,” in an effort to raise awareness of the ongoing problems brought on by explosive mines in nations like Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. The campaign aims to highlight how critical it is to solve these issues, which have persisted for many years.


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Importance of the International Day of Mine Awareness

The purpose of the International Day of Mine Awareness and Action is to ensure the safety of people and communities by eradicating landmines and other explosive remnants of war. The day is important because it resulted in the creation of a framework for accountability for the UN and the adoption of the “Theory of Change” in the mine action programme.

On this day, the United Nations Secretariat’s 12 departments and offices, as well as specialised agencies, funds, and programs, join forces to support mine action programmes in 30 countries and three territories. The day is also significant for peacekeepers who conduct patrols, assist humanitarian organizations, raise public awareness about the dangers of mines, and educate those living in hazardous environments on how to stay safe and avoid the risk of injury or death.

History of the International Day of Mine Awareness


The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention was established in 1997 to spearhead the anti-mine campaign, and it has since been ratified by 164 countries. The United Nations General Assembly declared April 4 as International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance for Mine Action, to be observed globally.

Since then, the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) has worked to meet the needs of people who have been exposed to explosive hazards, such as civilians, humanitarian workers, and peacekeepers. UNMAS works with a variety of organisations and states around the world to help people affected by land mines and to eliminate the dangers posed by these dangerous explosives.

Headquarters of the United Nations Mine Action Service: United Nations Headquarters; New York, USA; United Nations Mine Action Service Founded in October 1997, the United Nations Mine Action Service is led by Ilene Cohn.

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