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Why Kids Get Anxious About School

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It is a very tough task to control the nervousness and fear of their child on their first day of school. In order to work on it in an effective manner it is essential that parents should recognize the reasons for their nervousness. These reasons may be different according to the environment in which the kid has been raised. The parents should understand the nature of their kids and accordingly plan for their first day of school. Parents should consider the following reasons and must prepare their kids accordingly.

New Circumstances

It is obvious that everyone is nervous about new situations or circumstances. Even older people are nervous about the same then for kids it is pretty obvious. Whether the kids are entering into new school or it is the first day of their school the situation for kids will be different. For kids it is quite difficult to adjust in new environment of school as prior to that they are use to be in a protective environment where everyone is their to pamper them, cater their needs, and love them. It is important for parents to spend some more time right after their kids school in order to give them proper counseling about how to adjust with new people, how to follow rules of schools, how to make new friends so that they get comfortable in school in a short span of time.

Fear Of Scolding


Kids are worried about how to complete the schoolwork in an appropriate manner so that they don’t get scolding from teachers. In the early stage getting scolding from teacher may result in breaking the confidence of kids and they might get afraid of coming to school. It is important for teachers to make kids understand in a polite manner so that they are don’t get afraid rather they complete their task in zestful manner.

Anxious About Test

Tests always create nervousness in people and for kids it is too obvious that they will be nervous. In order help them in getting out of their anxiety in such situations; parents should help them in preparing for the test day by taking similar tests during their preparation sessions. This will help in building confidence within kids about the final day and they will perform in a better manner.

Getting Grades

Many kids are very conscious about their grades and if they don’t get the desired grades they get sad about their performance. In such situation if parents know that their kids have prepared well for the test then they should boost the confidence of their kids by making them realize that it is always not about grades but about constant hard work that eventually pays in positive manner in a long run.



Many kids get stressed out when they see any unethical thing happening in their surroundings or not get the ambience in their classroom what they wish for. In such situations parents should help in developing constructive environment with the help of teachers so that kids can get a positive environment to grow and develop.

Getting Selected In A Team

Each kid desires for getting selected in a particular team of their school. But each time it is not possible that the kids get selected in a team they wish for. Such situation may disheartening for kids but parents and teachers can guide kids to never loose hope and should continue to follow their passion because there is always a next chance in which they can showcase their talent.

Situation Of Home


Due to increased complications in social life’s many kids are not getting an appropriate environment at their home to grow and develop. Due to their parents personal issues they may not get the attention, which is needed, from their parents. Due to such situations kids get depressed and losses focus on their studies. Teachers should identify such issues and should guide their parents to resolve issues so that kids don’t suffer in terms of learning and development.

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