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Mitesh Swami topped the Tree House High school with 94.4%

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Mitesh Swami Tree House High School
Tree House High School Toppers

Credent TV | The results of the examinations given by the CBSE for students in the 10th grade were made public on Friday, July 22nd, 2022. It had been a challenging course of time for both the teachers and the students to come up to the level of satisfaction during this year’s exams, which were conducted in two phases due to the pandemic. However, with the continuous efforts of the school and teachers, the students’ motivation level did not drop, and the students from Tree House High School came out with flying colours.

Tree House High School Toppers’

Mitesh Swami finished first in the Tree House High school with a score of 94.4 percent, and he expressed his gratitude to his instructors as well as Sarita Sharma, the principal of Tree House High school, for their ongoing assistance, which allowed him to achieve his goals.

Suhani Sharma, Abhinav Gupta, Akshita Jain, and Yukti Rajawat have all risen to prominent positions within the school, and as a result, they have set an example for all of the other students there. This is certainly something to be proud of.

Tree House High School
Tree House High School image

Principal of Tree House High School extended her gratitude to the parents

Sarita Sharma, the principal of Tree House High School, extended her gratitude to the parents of the students for continuing to have trust in the school authorities and for providing an environment that is conducive to the development of their children.

Every student planned their academic pursuits with a goal for each day and made it a point to achieve those goals. They spent some of their time participating in extracurricular activities and sports as a means of maintaining their physical and mental fitness, which helped them remain motivated and stress-free.


The children and their parents, who are now experiencing feelings of pride in their teaching tactics, whose ultimate aims were to maintain their grasp on each subject, were complimented by their teachers as well.

The results of Tree House High School’s pupils demonstrate that the school is succeeding in its mission to provide a meaningful education in accordance with its illustrious vision of such, as the school teaches its students information and instills in them excellent moral values.

In point of fact, it is all about the commitment and tenacity of a team, which is deserving of unbounded respect for performing their tasks perfectly where they are assigned.

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