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Mohan Bhagwat said that India should remain India, and there is no danger to Muslims in India

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Mohan Bhagwat

According to Kapil Sibal, he agrees with Mohan Bhagwat that Hindustan should remain Hindustan

Former Congress leader Kapil Sibal agreed with RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat on Wednesday that Hindustan should remain Hindustan, but added, ironically, that human beings should also remain human beings in that case. In an interview with RSS-affiliated publications Organiser and POanchjanya, Bhagwat stated that Muslims have no fear in Indis because there is no threat and Hindustan will remain Hindustan.

According to the RSS chief, Muslims should abandon their narrative of supremacy, claiming that they once ruled the land and will again. Anyone who lives here, Hindu, Muslim, or communist, should abandon this logic, according to Mohan Bhagwat.

“The simple truth is that Hindusthan should stay that way. There is no harm done to the Muslims who live in Bharat today… Islam has nothing to be afraid of. At the same time, Muslims must abandon their raucous supremacy rhetoric. We are an exalted race; we once ruled over this land and will rule it again; only our path is right, everyone else is wrong; we are different, and will remain so; we cannot live together – they (Muslims) must abandon this narrative. In fact, everyone who lives here, Hindu or communist, must abandon this logic “According to Mohan Bhagwat.

Mohan Bhagwat stated in the interview that there has been an awakening in Hindu society, which explains the newfound aggression among Hindus. According to Bhagwat, India has always been Akhand but has been divided whenever the core Hindu sense has been forgotten.


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Regarding the RSS’s role in mainstream politics, Mohan Bhagwat stated that the Sangh is held accountable for whatever Swayamsevaks do in politics. Even if we are not directly implicated by others, there is certainly some accountability because Swayamsevaks are ultimately trained in the Sangh. As a result, we are forced to consider “what our relationship should be, what things we should pursue (in the national interest) with due diligence,” he said.

On population control, Mohan Bhagwat stated that when there are means to control the population, they should be used so that the population does not control people.

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