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Mrs. Seema Bhatnagar

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Dear Students,
DPS Jaipur is a learning community that is open to the world at large and invites participation by striving to make it transparent. Students in our school forge connection with school, their home, the global community and develop strong identities for themselves in these communities.

Our students take charge of their learning for life, become eager constructors of knowledge and view the entire world around them as a rich resource.

The school recognizes a learner in every student and then the engaged learning happens. The learning process is placed in the service of the goals of the child as an individual and as a member of the society. The interdisciplinary curriculum and assessment fosters engaged learning in students and is embedded in meaningful activities.

 We consider school as a community resource and the community as a school resource. DPS Jaipur articulates with the students, parent community and other communities to fulfill common purposes of society.



Mrs. Seema Bhatnagar


DPS, Jaipur, Raj., INDIA



Credent TV Editorial Team

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