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My Journey of Empowering People-Heena Bellara

credent tv



Heena Bellara

Q: Tell us about your background?

Heena Bellara – I am originally from India but moved to Dubai with my family when I was little. I started my career in the Aviation industry and worked at Dubai International Airport for almost 6 years. As the shift duties were getting very tiring I decided to leave the Airport and shifted my career to property marketing. Eventually got married and moved to London in 2007 (15 years ago).

Reiki was actually never in the picture, though my grandmother ( Nenibai Jamnadas) was a known healer in her days and my older sister ( Kajal Pradeep) is a very powerful healer, I never thought of getting into this field. But one fine day It just came to me and I was inclined to take up courses and achieved Level 1,2 and eventually did my Master/Teachers course. As they say, there is a time for everything. And when the time comes no one can stop you from achieving your goals.

I am also a certified Digital Aura Scanner. DAS is a thermal Imaging System that was developed by Dr. N.K. Sharma and his technical team in the year 2007. DAS is recognized internationally as an effective Biofield Imaging System. Using this system I am able to locate the placement of hot energies in the body of a person and offer Reiki to those concerned areas.

Q: Tell us about your contribution to society.

I do a lot of voluntary work and offer Reiki to cancer patients in clinics and visit charity organizations for old people in the UK. The fact that they look forward to this day brings me immense joy and satisfaction.

The beauty of Reiki is that it can be offered both in person as well as from a distance. Distance healing is a technique used in Reiki to send healing energy to a person, situation, or place that is not physically present with the Reiki practitioner. So it doesn’t matter which part of the world you are or what religion you belong to, Reiki can be sent to anyone as energy healing is not linked to any religion but purely the Universal life force energy.


Q: How did you plan to be a Mental Health Expert/Healer/Counsellor, what was the key challenge?

I actually did not do any planning. Some things are planned for you by the universe and you just land up executing them.

I am very grateful to have been chosen to go on this journey. It makes me happy when I hear positive outcomes from people for who I have given reiki and feel I am doing justice to the role I’ve been chosen for.

Q: Explain your career and the challenges that you faced starting your career.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for relaxation. Reiki comes from two Japanese words “rei” meaning Universal and “Ki” meaning life force energy. It was developed in the early 20th century by Mikao Usui in Japan. Reiki helps align chakras in our body which in turn balances the recipient’s energy, reduces stress, and promotes relaxation.

As a Reiki Master practitioner, I help clients improve their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through the use of Reiki techniques and other holistic healing methods. This may include the following:

Heena Bellara
Heena Bellara

Conducting Reiki sessions: I conduct Reiki sessions for my clients, which may involve placing my hands on or near their bodies to channel healing energy.

Evaluating client needs: I then evaluate the needs of my clients and determine which Reiki techniques and methods are appropriate for their specific needs.


Developing treatment plans: Based on the evaluation of the client’s needs, I develop a customized treatment plan that incorporates Reiki techniques and other holistic healing methods.

Providing emotional support: As a Reiki Master, I am always emotionally available to my clients during and after their Reiki sessions. This may include offering guidance and advice on how to manage stress and other emotional challenges.

Q: Challenges I faced:

I feel there isn’t much awareness about Reiki around the world. In some parts of the world, its popularity has grown rapidly but in other parts, there isn’t any awareness at all. I feel in this fast-paced world people are used to quick fixes. They rely more on medicines than taking a Holistic approach. Because they believe there is no scientific evidence that these things work.

Q: What are your future plans and projects?

I plan to continue my journey as a Reiki Master and try to stay up-to-date with new techniques and developments in this field. This may involve attending workshops, conferences, and other training programs. And help as many people as possible .

Message for Readers

I am a firm believer in the law of attraction. What you attract is what you get. If you attract happiness and positivity the universe will shower it on you but if you attract sadness and negativity, that’s what you’ll get everywhere. What you think is what you become eventually. So keep a positive approach to things.


Also, try to surround yourself with people who uplift you. This will boost your self-confidence and increase your willpower to do whatever you aim for. Believe in yourself and work hard towards your goal and let the universe do its magic.

Q: How was your experience with Credent TV?

Kuber was extremely helpful and guided me through the process. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to bring more awareness.

Q: Your Full Name and Age?

Heena Bellara my age is 43 years old.

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