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New guidelines for the appointment of senior advocates in the Supreme Court

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The Supreme Court has issued new guidelines for designating senior advocates, which replace the previous guidelines issued in 2017

The 2017 guidelines have been replaced with new ones that were issued by the Supreme Court for senior advocate designation. Lawyers with at least 10 years of experience and who are 45 years of age or older are eligible to apply under the new regulations. A committee made up of the Chief Justice of India (CJI), the two senior most judges, the Attorney General, and a representative from the bar will review the applications and meet twice a year to evaluate the applicants. The committee may relax the age requirements, and the CJI may directly recommend a candidate without taking the age restriction into account.

Years of Experience and Specific Knowledge
Lawyers must have 10 years of experience in practise or 10 years of combined experience in practise and service as a judicial officer or judicial member in a tribunal.
Lawyers with experience appearing before specialised tribunals will receive a break on the number of Supreme Court appearances.
The number of judgements offered by the applicants will be taken into account during the scrutiny process, which can award up to 50 points.
Legal publications, including contributions to teaching assignments and guest lectures in the subject of law, have been given a weight reduction of 5 points.

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Interviewing Procedure and Extensive Court Review
The Full Court, which consists of all judges, will interview the shortlisted applicants. The evaluation process will assign this segment 25 points.


Objectivity and Transparency in Designation
The Supreme Court’s 2017 decision, which sought to establish uniform guidelines for designating senior advocates, had a significant impact on the new guidelines.
In an effort to provide a more “holistic reflection” of the advocate’s capacity to advance the law, the evaluation process now takes into account contributions made through the publication of legal articles, teaching responsibilities, and guest lectures.
The objective of the new guidelines is to guarantee openness and objectivity during the selection process.

Application deadline
Candidates who have already submitted their applications are urged to do so again, make changes to their current applications, or withdraw their submissions by August 7.
Senior designation is open to former chief justices and high court justices, but those who have accepted or agreed to accept any full-time assignment will not be taken into consideration until they hold that position.

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