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PM Modi to inaugurate Mahakal corridor project in Ujjain today

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate one of the oldest cities of India, Shri Mahakal Lok in Ujjain today. This new form of Mahakaleshwar temple is an important event in the journey of India’s historical and civilizational nation. There are two reasons for this. First, based on faith and devotion. Mahakaleshwarji is one of the famous Jyotirlingas for the worship of Lord Shiva. The temple had to face invasions in the medieval period. The Rudrasagar lake mentioned in Skanda Purana also became a pond of polluted water.

Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan accepted the challenge of rejuvenating the great temple of Lord Shiva. The encroachments were removed peacefully after due compensation. In this complete renovation, not only the grand expansion and artistic aesthetics of the temple complex, but also the efficient management of the crowd of visitors and pedestrians. Smooth traffic system in main parts of Ujjain, decentralized system of vehicle parking, latest equipment and software for public safety, all these make Shri Mahakal Lok efficient with beauty. There will be pollution- and noise-free e-rickshaws and adequate charging centres. Also solar panels will meet the power consumption.

A wonderful change has taken place in this abode of Shiva. Beautiful panels depicting the stories of Lord Shiva are all around. The vibrant family idols of Lord Shiva and Mata Parvati and their progeny Lord Ganesha and Lord Kartikeya will touch the heart. Shiva-Parvati marriage, Tripurasura slaughter, images of Tandava form and idols of Saptarishis are hilarious. The Rudrasagar Lake has been revived in its ancient form, by the waters of the holy Shipra River.

The second reason is equally relevant in today’s Ujjain. A holographic model, named after this great temple: Maha-Kaal-Iswar. Lord Shiva is the greatest lord of time, Adi-Ananta. Ujjain, known for ages as Avanti, was an ancient center of scientific research. Renowned mathematicians and astronomers like Varahamihira, Brahmagupta and Bhaskaracharya reached Ujjain from remote areas of India, making the city their karmabhoomi. The city was the center of timekeeping centuries ago. The reference point of Ujjain was taken by ancient Indian mathematicians for the calculation of time, just as the zero meridian from Britain’s GMT is used today for world time.


Ujjain is a unique geographical place where the zero meridian and the Tropic of Cancer meet each other. On June 21, the longest day of the year, the summer solstice, the sun is right overhead at noon. It is only after this that Dakshinayan begins, when the Sun God begins his journey to the south. That is why the city of Ujjain was considered the best for the calculation of time. That is why Ujjain is recognized as the navel of the world. The ancient Indian date-setting lunar-solar calendars or almanacs still use Ujjain as the zero meridian today.

In ancient times, on the summer solstice, the midday sun rays fell directly on the summit of the grand Mahakaleshwar temple. It is possible that today these rays fall on the nearby Mangal temple. This must have been due to the precession of the Earth’s axis. As an Indian, I aspire to this re-circulation of energy in the Mahakal temple complex. It will also promote the revival of our country’s science, and the analysis of our ancient texts created in and around Avanti.

According to Mahabharata, man is not strong, time is strong. Sage Ved Vyasji has captured the essence of time so beautifully. Time is such an energy which, if not used, is wasted in vain and never comes back. Time keeps us entangled in its inevitable futuristic motion. But if with the blessings of Mahakaleshwar ji, we can control the time by using consciousness and will power, then understanding the importance of this moment, on the foundation of devotion, power and knowledge of our ancestors, we can increase India’s Attalika more.

PM Modi will inaugurate today in the city of Mahakal
New Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the corridor of ‘Shri Mahakal Lok’ of Mahakal Shiva, the main among the twelve Jyotirlingas in Ujjain on Tuesday. The Shri Mahakal Lok of Ujjain, situated on the banks of the holy river Kshipra, is ready to welcome the devotees of the innocent. Now it will take only 20 minutes to reach Mahakal Darshan from the parking lot. Here 30 thousand people will be able to see in an hour.

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