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Poonam Upadhyay: Be Your Own Boss

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Be your own boss | Sunil Narnaulia, Poonam | Shiksha Sarokar

Credent TV: Do we often talk about how we are unable to function when we are stressed or devastated? We don’t. Due to some circumstances in life, we lack even the ability to follow our daily routine. We can’t help ourselves and gather motivation. That’s why we have to take help from others. What if you become your biggest helper and don’t need to depend on others? You can save energy in your life. Make your personality so charming that people are attracted to you. Be your own boss.

Credent TV has invited Life and Business Coach, Poonam Upadhyay, to guide us through it in their popular Shiksha Saroakar. The host of the show is Sunil Narnaulia, Chief Editor, Credent TV. 

Poonam Upadhyay is the founder, “The Life Coach Institution.” She lives in Sydney, Australia, and has coached many clients, individually and in groups, to improve their lives, their businesses, and their careers. 

Through The Life Coach Institution, Poonam has created a group coaching program, a self-coaching program, as well as an online coaching program. 


Let’s learn the fundamentals of life from her. 

Poonam Upadhyay
Poonam Upadhyay

How to keep calm and deal with challenges in life?

Poonam Upadhyay says all the power is within you. Challenges come and go in life. Everything has an opposite, so there are bad and good days. The mantra to deal with problems in life is “Have Faith and See Good in Everything.” Sit in silence for some time daily. Consider that everything happens for a reason. Try to focus on different things and accept reality. Connect with yourself. Be like birds who don’t keep faith in the branch they are sitting on but in their feathers. Deep breathing 7–11 times and letting thoughts come. Accept the reality. 

Habits that help you become a better person?

Stress makes us feel alive. You will become a better person while trying to come out of this problem. You won’t value the good times if you haven’t been through hard days. Think about the self-image you have in your mind. What do you think about yourself and what you want to become? If your cup is not full, how will you share your love with others? Practicing self-love is necessary, Poonam Upadhyay says.

What inspired you to start “The Life Coach Institution”?

Even after having everything in life, I used to feel empty. I was broken and was finding purpose in life. I started serving people as a volunteer. Later, my known ones suggested I open an organization and help others as well. This is to help people live a fulfilled life. I have experienced that if you really want to change your life, then only you can change anything. This is what I teach my clients as well. It starts within you and from you. 

Say positive affirmations like, I am a happy soul. Take baby steps. Feel your happiness and you will attract everything you want. 

How to manage time when there is lots of work to do?

Calm down and pause for 1 minute. When you are in stress the calm energy gets low. Prioritize your work by writing the top 5 works on a paper. Plan and organize your task. Maintain weekly calendars. Don’t forget what you love for 30 minutes no matter what. Fill your cup in the morning so that you will be able to do other things nicely.


How to be your own boss?

It is taught in our culture to make others happy. But how will you spread happiness if you are not happy yourself? Find your happiness within you. Stay true to yourself. Don’t create stress by expecting things from others. It is no one else’s responsibility to make you happy but your own. Love yourself first.

Don’t let others control you. Your environment also plays a huge role in it. The environment you live in decides your energy. Make wise choices. The choices you make in life choose your life. If you are not liking the surrounding, don’t be there. Be by yourself and enjoy your own company. 

Just do what you love. And think about how you can become the best version of yourself.  

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