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Pre-School Graduation Ceremony-St Edmund’s School, Jawahar Nagar

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St. Edmund’s School,Jawahar Nagar, organized “Pre-School Graduation Ceremony”. It was held for students of prepclass. During the ceremony children of prep class were awarded with the “pre-School Graduate” title.

The end of preschool marks a very important step in a child’s life. It is important to celebrate this moment and pay tribute to our very young students as we know that they have started their remarkable towards their bright future, with an event that will be as memorable as the rest of the year was. As guardians of the kids also attended the ceremony it became a vital communication platform for parents and teachers. This was the first time that such a unique and commendable ceremony was organized for the little kids of St. Edmunds. Every student was awarded with a certificate and given the title of a “Pre-School Graduate”, we hope these certificates will carry pleasant memories for a long time to come. Every child is incredibly special to us. They have all worked very hard to learn more and more every day, they have played together learned together and made special friends whom we wish they will carry in their hearts all through their life.

On this occasion some selected meritorious students were awarded with various different titles. KhusagraMehta was awarded the Mr. Edmunds title, Miss Edmunds title was given to WazihaShamsi, Best-in-academic award was given to Aarav Sharma, Best-in-Sports title was awarded to ArshitShinha, all-rounder title was awarded to Jasmine Grover and 100% attendance award was given to ChitrangGhiya. The purpose of this award ceremony was to give students an opportunity to receive appreciation for their hard work andget inspiration and motivation to work harder in the coming years and grow up to become good human beings as that is the most important thing in life.

On this occasion the school’s academic director Smt. Mina Singh congratulated every child of the preparatoryclass who were promoted to standard one and said till now along study they were involved in sports and various other interesting activities but students start their actual study from standard one. Here they will have to face challenges in sports as well aseducational performance. Smt. Mina Singh on this occasion requested guardians of the students to fully support them with their studies so that they don’t face any difficulty as our children move onto a new year with new challenges. Guide them into their bright future filled with dreams and aspiration.


“It doesn’t matter where you are coming from. What matters is where you are going”—Brian Tracy (Author)

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