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Prosper with Prosper with PoojaNandini

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Pooja Nandani

World Humanity and Peace Award Winner Prosper PoojaNandini

Q:  Tell us about your background

I was born and raised in Nagpur, India. I am a resident of the UAE for almost two decades.

My mother raised us with the belief of hard work and that hard work never goes waste. I am proud to say that my mother never let us waste any single minute and always taught us to use our time wisely. I remember getting addicted to Television during my teen days and my mother very peacefully, gracefully stated “do something so that people can see you on TV and not the other way”, since that day this dialogue of my mother carved in my subconscious mind and it changed my entire perception towards life and I decided to live a very meaningful life.

I studies bachelor in commerce and simultaneously at age 16 I started to work with MNC company in India as career advisor until few years after my graduation. This experience helped me to get a job opportunity in Dubai.


I have in total over 15 yrs of working experience with various banks in Dubai – Citibank, Credit Suisse, Falcon Private Bank in different roles such as junior compliance officer and client onboarding support respectively.

I eventually came to the realization that this was not going to be my retirement plan, and I have always wanted to engage in something that gives me the satisfaction of being able to contribute something back to the community. My personal experiences working in the business sector have taught me that no matter how diligently I work or how secure my financial situation may be, there is still a part of me that searches for happiness in the world around me. As a result of my quest to discover who I am on the inside, my life’s mission shifted, and I felt a strong pull towards the fields of integrated clinical hypnotherapy, energy work, and holistic healing. Gradually, I finished my education, and as a result, I began to experience a phenomenal shift in my mindset. I also started living my life with an increased sense of passion and purpose. My primary job was in banking, but I also did some work doing therapies / group meditations on the side. 

In 2020, I made the decision to turn my life work and my greatest passion into my full-time occupation. I have earned the title of Certified Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapist – KHDA Dubai, also recognized by International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association, which is based in the United States of America and the Netherlands.

World Humanity and Peace Award Winner Prosper PoojaNandini

I am also a certified energy healer using various other modalities but my personal interest is to extend my services on larger prospects via Hypnotherapy and regression therapy services, inner child healing, past life regression, aura exploration, ancestral healing, sound healing, and also provide intuitive guidance, counselling and reiki. I have been practicing energy healing for more than five years now, having clients all over the globe.

In addition to this, by the start of 2024, I will have finished my courses in transpersonal regression therapy at the Tasso Institute in the Netherlands.
I cannot wait to share what I have learnt and what I have discovered with you all and to help educate and enlighten you.


I am convinced that we only experience suffering for as long as we continue to live a life of ignorance, because consciousness is the only thing that can truly heal anything. 

My intention is to bring awareness to individuals about the importance of mental health and its impact on the physical body and provide them with strategies and skills that will enable them to manage their thoughts, feelings, and emotions autonomously and gracefully.

Q:  Tell us about your contribution to the society

I have many young students regularly taking counselling and guidance from me with regards to their conflicts and doubts about life, purpose, passion, career, relationships, sexual discomforts, break ups, divorce, health issues, marriage issues, success and promotions etc.

I help people via Hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural and pleasant state of mind which helps them involve much focus, attention and concentration to enter a state that allows conscious mind to quiet itself which enables people to access the power of their subconscious mind to find the root cause of their issue and help them to rewire old unhealthy thoughts, belief, feelings and perceptions to a new one in order to live a successful, happy, healthy and grateful life.  


I also use many other energy healing modalities to help clients receive faster and quicker success in life.

Q: How did you plan to be a Mental Health Expert/Healer/Counsellor, what was the key challenge?

I had difficult childhood and due to my personal unfortunate decisions had to go through difficult incidents in life which made me regret and continuously dwell into past, I was simply not able to forgive myself and others and move on in life easily. This dwelling in past and regretting my decision dragged me into deep depression and created a huge void within me where I started to question my existence on earth, and I lost hope in life to an extent that I use to have suicidal thoughts, thank fully never acted upon.

I failed to understand the cause consciously as I had a very happy family, friend circle, well-paid job, I went to bag full of shopping where I don’t even have to see price tags, however this could never hold my happiness for more than 20 min. I began to sink in depression and felt sad, depressed empty and there was a deep void inside of me. I struggled in this phase for 5 years visiting one doctor to another feeling sick where every doctor said I am physically completely fine.  

That’s when I acknowledged it has nothing to with body but mind and that’s when a turning point in my life happened and I got introduced to Clinical hypnotherapy and without any anti-depressants my life was transformed and a new journey began. I was easily able to delete and detach myself from the negative emotions associated with past experiences in my life and simply move on with grace. It not only healed me and my past traumas but also gave me hope and new life full of passion and purpose.


World Humanity and Peace Award Winner Prosper PoojaNandini

That’s when I decided to be a hypnotherapist and educated myself in order to help many who suffering the same or even more. Today, I am Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Regression therapist, I not only have been able to upgrade myself but my services have successfully helped many others to overcome from depression, diseases, divorce, financial losses, relationship issues etc. testimonials and feedback available on my insta page prosper with PoojaNandini.

The key challenge was that it took me five years to get an awareness and to reach to a hypnotherapist as in those days it was not very emphasized, thus today with the help of credent TV and other platforms I want to reach out to every single house on earth and give the awareness that it is absolutely possible to heal yourself with alternative healing naturally and more effectively. It is possible to have a life full of motivation, power, richness and just as you desire.

My goal is to reach out every single house that’s unhealed and spread light to reduce their darkness and enlighten every single human being that is suffering within and fill their life with abundance of love, light, joy, happiness and motivation via my knowledge and skills.

Q:  explain about your career and the challenges that you faced starting your career.

Earlier people had fear to try hypnotherapy as it was not widely accepted because of the myths that people thought “what if the therapist take us back in time and forget to bring us back in the present”? or “what if therapist might control our mind and make us do things without our will”.


Covid happen and people began to educate themselves and became more aware and open to trying to overcome their loneliness and depression through hypnotherapy.

Only if you try you would know the benefits of it.

However, now I am glad to say that people have started take initiative to understand the depth of their issues and are educating themselves to explore and improve their life through Hypnotherapy than to suffer within.

As rightly said “ignorance is darkness and knowledge is light”

Q:  What are your future plans and projects?

Primarily, to help those who suffering from depression and is wanting to end their life feeling meaningless, I assure that with the help of hypnotherapy and other modalities I can help them overcome their depression without anti-depressants and give them new meaning and purposeful life.


Besides, expand from one-on-one healing sessions to group healing, reach out with my expertise to every corporate to heal group of people together, provide motivational and inspirational talks that not only inspires them but is also helpful in training their behavior, perspective, thoughts, beliefs, feelings and perceptions that can benefit them to achieve success in all four areas of life health, personality, relationships, and finance.

I have couple of projects on going and shall definitely be announced and revealed with CREDENT TV platform in coming months.

Philanthropy is one of my major interests however I like to do it privately in my own capacity without any media exposure.

Q: Tell us about your organization

My organization is Prosper with PoojaNandini which focuses on providing services in hypnotherapy, regression therapy, counselling, motivational and inspiration speaking one on one basis and to larger groups.


Q: Tell us one thing which you feel that sets you/your organization apart from other

I am the owner of this company and I believe in oneness. I not only want to prosper myself, but also extend my help for people to prosper with PoojaNandini.

Q:  message for readers

It is important to have a successful life externally with jobs and career but it is even more important to have a perfect life internally having a complete alignment of healed body, mind and soul. I believe in living and an aware life.

Maintain your body as it’s the only medium through which you experience life on earth.

Focus on your thoughts as everything originates from mind.


Listen to your soul as it has all the answers that you are seeking.

Q:  how was your experience with Credent TV

It’s a great platform and I am impressed with every single team member how they are so efficiently involved, connected and provide their best services and platform to reach out to infinite people and bring awareness. CREDENT TV has taken a great ownership to spread education and bring awareness to large group of people. I am very grateful to be part of CREDENT TV as they have helped me achieve my goal to reach out every single house and enlighten others with whatever knowledge and resources I have. Gratitude. 5 starts from me.

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