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Rajasthan’s government and physicians met in vain; the strike will continue.

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The meeting between the state administration and the protesting doctors regarding the Right To Health (RTH) bill ended in failure on Sunday evening, thus the doctors decided to continue their protest and vowed to make it worse in the coming days.

The meeting between the state administration and the protesting doctors regarding the Right To Health (RTH) bill ended in failure on Sunday evening, thus the doctors decided to continue their protest and vowed to make it worse in the coming days.
To discuss the problems, a group of physicians met with the chief secretary Usha Sharma, the additional chief secretary for finance Akhil Arora, the principal secretary for health T. Ravikant, the finance (expenditure) secretary Naresh Thakral, and the district collector for Jaipur Prakash Rajpurohit.

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Although doctors just want to roll back the RTH bill, government representatives requested them to “address point by point” the parts of the measure that they find unacceptable. “We questioned them as to why they rejected RTH. We were prepared to go over it in detail, but they merely wanted it to be reversed entirely “explained a government official present at the discussion.

At 3:00 PM, the doctors arrived at the secretariat where the meeting was taking place. Dr. Vijay Kapoor, the secretary of the private hospitals and nursing homes society (PHNHS), was present at the meeting along with Dr. Ashok Sharda, a representative of the Indian Medical Association, Dr. Neeraj Damor, a representative from the Jaipur Association of Resident Doctors, and Dr. Chitresh Shekhawat, a representative from another doctor association.


“Our only item on the agenda is to revoke the RTH bill. The government officials received our message. We strongly object to the RTH law and will continue to protest if it is not dropped in the state “Dr. Kapoor added.
According to Dr. Chitresh Shekhawat, spokeswoman for JARD, “because the entire bill has various faults, we have made it plain to the government authorities that the measure should be pulled back without further discussion.”

Ashok Gehlot, the chief minister, has already urged the protesting physicians to end their strike for the sake of the patients. For the first time since the strike began seven days ago, the government representatives and agitated doctors met at the chief minister’s initiative.
Talks were presided over by the chief secretary, Usha Sharma. She claimed that doctors are like members of the government’s family, and as a result, both are devoted to serving the public.

While he listened to the delegation of doctors’ concerns and recommendations, Sharma stated that they collaborate in a spirit of teamwork to serve the state’s citizens. As a result, this Bill has been introduced to promote the state’s citizens’ rights to their health.
She also promised to undertake a thorough discussion about the delegation’s proposals.

She explained that in keeping with the chief minister’s goal to involve all areas of the state, this measure was introduced after careful consideration and after listening to everyone. As a result, the chief minister is pleading with all doctors to call off their strike.


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