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Ruckus over death in police custody in Bihar

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Death in police custody

After a persons’s death in police custody in Bettiah, Bihar, there was a lot of uproar. Angry mob torched the police station. Police vehicles were set on fire and the police personnel ran and beat them. The police personnel left the police station and ran in the fields to save their lives. The disturbance continued for three hours in the police station, but no senior police officer reached.

On Saturday afternoon, the police had brought a person to the police station for playing DJ during patrolling. The young man died in police custody. The family alleges that the police beat the young man with a butt, due to which he died. After this, thousands of villagers surrounded Balthar police station along with family members.

After vandalizing the police station, petrol was poured and set on fire. Villagers set 3 vehicles of the police station on fire. Started beating up the police personnel present in the police station. The policemen saved their lives and ran in the fields. The furious mob kept on throwing stones from behind. At the same time, a police jeep was also vandalized at Balthar Chowk.

The relatives told that Balthar police had come on patrol on Saturday. Here Anuruddha Yadav was playing DJ in Balthar village. Police seized the DJ and arrested Anurudh and brought him to the police station and beat him up in the police station. The police beat him with the butt. Anuruddha died after the beating.

Angry people vandalized the entire police station by setting it on fire. At the same time, he ran and beat the police. There is not a single policeman in the station. So far no senior officer and police force has arrived from the district. The villagers are camping around the police station.


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