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Safdar Nagori: Journalism student to the world of terror

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Along with Safdar Nagori, 38 convicts have also been sentenced to death in the Ahmedabad serial blasts case. Safdar is a Post Graduate in Journalism. During his studies, he had expressed his rebellious intentions through research papers. While studying at Ujjain’s Vikram University, he made controversial research on Kashmir and its issues in the name of ‘How to extinguish the fire of snow’. After reading this, the professors were blown away and a big controversy arose.

Safdar Nagori

In the year 2000, in the final year, he was given the subject for project work – Dimensions of Urdu Journalism. Safdar told the head of the department, Prof. Asked Ramrajesh Mishra to change the subject. On the permission of Mishra, he wrote a project on the Kashmir problem – how to put out the fire of ice. This project work was written in four volumes – Kashmir Tragedy, Heaven on Earth: Yesterday and Today, Controversial Points: Some Facts and In this way the fire of ice will be extinguished. In this, Safdar wrote – ‘Democracy does not mean the dictatorship of the majority. Only Kashmiris should decide Kashmir. Those who are not accepting this proposal are really showing a fascist attitude. He wrote – whether the bird is in a cage or the dog is chained and you tell the world that if it is with me voluntarily, then only a blind person can believe it.

Father was in police crime branch

Nagori was born in 1970 in Nagori village of Mahidpur in Ujjain. Her father Gahiruddin Nagori was in Ujjain Police Crime Branch and retired as Assistant Sub Inspector in 2005. Nagori completed his graduation in 1999 at Vikram University. He joined SIMI (Student Islamic Movement of India) while studying at the university. He got the post of state president. Brother Kamaruddin Nagori was given the responsibility of SIMI chief in Andhra Pradesh. The Indian government has banned the terrorist organization SIMI in 2001.

Safdar Nagori joined SIMI in 1993

Nagori turned radical after the 1992 Babri demolition and the subsequent communal riots. He joined SIMI in 1993. The first case against Nagori was registered in 1997 at Mahakal police station in Ujjain. Case happened in Indore in 1998. Indore Police released him after arresting him. Due to his involvement in wrong activities, his father broke up with him. He went underground before the organization was banned in 2001. He was declared a fugitive on December 11, 2000.

He wanted to make a name like Al Qaeda by blasting it across the country

Nagori became underground, but remained active in Ujjain and surrounding areas from 2005 to 2007. He kept on giving provocative speeches (sermons) in mosques. Controversial posters pasted. He wanted to create a name like Al Qaeda by blasting it across the country. The plot was hatched by building a hut near Unhail. Many crimes are registered in Ujjain’s Mahakal, Kharkuwa and Madhavnagar police stations. After the ban on SIMI, the Mahakal police station recovered the controversial book and provocative posters from the office of SIMI in the artillery area of ​​Ujjain.


Run training camp at farmhouse in Indore

Safdar Nagori was arrested by Madhya Pradesh Police on 26 March 2008 from a flat in Sanyogitaganj, Indore. He, his brother Kamaruddin Nagori and 11 SIMI terrorists were caught in the operation. These people used to run terrorist training camp at a farmhouse in Choral, 35 km from Indore city. SIMI members from Jharkhand, Kerala, Karnataka and other states were given training here. The police had found arms, ammunition, radical literature in Urdu and Hindi and explosives from the farmhouse. In this case, Nagori was left out.

Three months later, on 26th July, Gujarat was shaken

There were serial bomb blasts in Ahmedabad on 26 July 2008. 56 people had died within 70 minutes. More than 200 people were injured. Safdar Nagori was involved in the blasts. He was arrested by Gujarat Police. During interrogation, Nagori had told the STF that SIMI fighters had received training in Jammu and Kashmir with Hizbul Mujahideen. Nagori said that he was trained for various types of terrorist operations across the country.

CBI probe in Indore case

CBI probe sat on Safdar Nagori, his brother and 10 accomplices, who were left out in the ammunition case found in training camp and farm house in Indore. Indore’s CBI court convicted on all charges. On 27 February 2017, Special CBI Judge BK Paloda sentenced him to life imprisonment for possession of illegal arms, ammunition, explosives and conspiracy to commit terroristic activities. The Gujarat Police had brought Nagori and 10 of his associates to Indore on 28 May 2017. On the second day, Nagori was shifted to Bhopal jail. Since then she is here.

Tunnel was found in Sabarmati Jail where Nagori was lodged

In 2011, an 18-feet long tunnel was found in Ahmedabad’s Sabarmati Jail where Nagori was lodged. This tunnel was dug from barrack number 4 of ‘Chhota Chakkar’ of the jail. The accused had dug the tunnel from the wood used for gardening.

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