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Say Yes To Homework

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The title seems daunting for some people but there are way many positive factors about homework. It is a common statement by most of the parents that schools are giving burden by giving their kids homework and they are not able to perform well due to this. There may be cases where the work allotted by the schools are not fruitful for kids but yes if allotted in an appropriate manner then homework is the best way to teach kids about their lessons. Some parents also state that due to school homework their kids are not able to concentrate on their tuition, then such parents must know that ultimately the report card of school address the child everywhere not what marks s(he) gets at their tuition classes.

So how homework can do wonders for students?

  • Some teachers know what exactly the kids should practice in order to understand the topic efficiently and thus allot students tricky assignment that takes hard work from student’s side. But, students present such assignments at their tuition classes where their tuition teacher platter their assignment solutions. This is a strict no and parents should ensure that this should not done at their tuition classes.
  • Sometimes there are assignments which require some activities to be done in order to develop creativity in students and parents should encourage kids to put efforts in it rather then complaining about the schools for allotting them such activities. It will kill the interest of students and will opt for shortcuts that is again a negative sign.
  • By homework and feedbacks on homework the parents get to know about their kids performance in the school and they can navigate their kids path for further lessons.
  • Even the reading and revising lessons is an efficient activity for students to synchronize themselves with the curriculum of the class. It is observed that most of the students avoid such activities and thus lack behind with the curriculum.
  • Researchers have suggested that the students who complete their assignments on time tend to achieve more marks in tests that are oriented towards content.
  • Homework is a way to teach students about the sense of responsibility and lessons about procrastination.
  • This is the best way to teach students about time management.
  • It helps students in making them understand about managing assignments independently.

The topic is a continuous mater of debate but this is one crucial thing that is most important for the overall development of students. Researchers have also stated that homework is the basic thing for preparing students for work life, as life in ahead after school is more competitive.

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