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School – Second Home of a Student

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Our growth doesn’t mean get promoted from one class to another class or becoming rich from poor. When the actual growth begins we not only grow as a person but our responsibilities towards the society also increases.

There are certain changes in our behavior, in our likes and dislikes and many of us fail to deal with them smartly. Only our educational environment turns out to be something fruitful during the initial stage of our teenage.

Some of the changes generally seen in us during our teenage are as follows:-

  • There is a drastic change in our behavior, when the change is positive it doesn’t harm anybody but if it is negative it not only affect ourselves but to the people living around us.
  • Changes in our habits. In this age changes occur automatically. Many of us move towards enhancing our interests such as dancing, singing etc but there is a negative aspect also that when the teenage phase begins some of us get attracted towards alcohol, bars etc
  • Some of us become energetic whereas some become lazy.
  • Some of us become rude while some of the teenagers become very well behaved.

So the question is what our education is providing us in our important phase of life? Some of the points, which we all must know are as follows-

  • Educating us not only mean providing us with better facilities or building us up with better knowledge. It not only means increasing our standard or betterment of our living standard.
  • What if we have a better or high living standard and don’t know what is wrong and what is right for us but our education plays an important role in making us strong enough to deal with the sudden or gradually occurring changes in life.
  • We may not have a healthy environment at our homes but if we learn to deal with any situation of our life from our school than it certainly doesn’t matter where we come from. There are many parents who get separate due to many reasons and still they want their children to have a positive growth. So the only way is that they should be given proper education.

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