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St. Xavier’s School 73rd Annual Sports Day

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Saturday, November 29, The 73rd Annual Sports Day was celebrated at St. Xavier’s School. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Major General Somnath Jha, VSM.

St. Xavier’s boasts of one of the finest displays of March Past among the leading schools in the country. The ceremony started with paying homage to the Martyrs given by the historical portals of this legendary school and subsequent hoisting of the glorious Gold and Blue School Insignia. The General Captain Ms. Jagruti Chowdhary gave the oath to the athletes. General was pleased to inspect the decorous parade. On being greeted by over a hundred National Level Players along with the House Captains and the Secretaries, the General benignly remarked, “ The nation is proud to have glorious schools like St. Xavier’s. Its contribution in field of Sports is unparalleled, which is also evident with the vast count of National level players groomed by this stately institution.”

The Principal of the school, Rev. Fr. John Ravi updated the honorable guests with the latest developments and initiatives taken by the school, including the opening up of a new branch at Newta. “ We are pledged to stride ahead on the noble path of education for all, keeping to our hearts the core value of Jesuit Education, Deus Fortitudo Mea, which means for the greater glory of God.” Affirmed Reverend Father in his gracious message.

Various track events were held which filled the audience with enthusiasm as they cheered for their wards to win. The Power Unleashed presentation by the middle school girls captivated the audience as it portrayed the plight of girl child in the country and advocated for a respectable and equitable social status for women.


The middle school boys came up with a rocking drill dedicated to the ever-remembered maestro Michael Jackson.

The Junior school kids dazzled with their sprightly dance and left the audience mesmerized.

The evening came to a befitting end with the giving away of the trophies and awards including the prestigious Masuda Cup and showing gratitude to the  Nation by singing the National Anthem.




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