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The fight between Musk and Zuckerberg could occur on August 26

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Musk asserted: “If the fight lasts only a short time, I’ll probably win. I weigh 136 kg”

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, and Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, plan to duel on August 26. This date was suggested by Zuckerberg when Musk originally invited him to a cage match. Even though Musk hasn’t formally announced the fight’s date.

Musk added that today’s MRI of his neck and upper back is required. Perhaps surgery is required after this. Because of this, they will reveal the date at the end of this week. Musk added that if the conflict is brief, he can prevail. I weigh 300 pounds, or 136 kilograms.

The battle will be broadcast live on social media site X.

Musk had stated earlier on Sunday that platform X would carry this duel live. I’ll give the elderly the money I make from this. Zuckerberg responded, “Shouldn’t we use a more reliable platform that can actually raise money for charity?”

Elon Musk is getting ready for a brawl at work.

Given that Musk had stated he had no time for exercise, he is training for this fight while at work. daily weightlifting. He recently performed a live feed in which he was observed putting weights on his shoulders.


Zuckerberg and Musk are preparing for a cage match.

Musk and Zuckerberg just began their preparations for the cage match. Pictures from the training also surfaced. Musk and Lex Friedman, a well-known podcaster and AI researcher, are shown fighting in one image. Friedman tweeted about the images with the caption, “I am impressed by Musk’s power.”

Where will the cage fight challenge take place and how did it begin?

Meta, a firm owned by Zuckerberg, had discussed developing a platform similar to Twitter. Following this, an article by the Daily Mail with the headline “Zuckerberg’s master plan to end Twitter came to the fore” was published. Twitter users started disseminating this report. Elon Musk poked fun at Zuckerberg with an emoji on one of these posts.

Additional information about Zuckerberg’s new platform was disseminated via the Mario Nafwal Twitter account. Also following Nafwal is Elon Musk. It stated that the potential name of Meta’s new app is “Thread.” Musk had best be careful, a Twitter user commented. I’ve heard that Mark Zuckerberg has taken up ju-jitsu.

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The Cage Fight Challenge began in this manner. I’m prepared for a cage battle, Musk responded to the post. After that, when Zuckerberg questioned Musk about the fight’s venue, Musk responded, “Vegas Octagon.”

Musk is a street fighter, while Zuckerberg is a judo champion.

Musk, 52, was raised in South Africa. Musk admitted to taking part in real hard-core street battles in South Africa. Zuckerberg, 39, is an aspiring MMA fighter who has previously won ju-jitsu competitions. He recently finished the Murph Challenge in under 40 minutes.


What exactly is Ju-Jitsu and Cage Fighting?

Ju-Jitsu is a Japanese unarmed combat and physical training style. A cage fight involves two fighters fighting within a cage. Fighters employ a variety of fighting styles. Techniques from mixed martial arts such as boxing, wrestling, judo, ju-jitsu, karate, and muay thai are utilised in this.

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