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The fiscal deficit in India increased to Rs 6.42 trillion, or 36% of the target for FY24

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In FY24, April through August, the Controller General of Accounts recorded a budget deficit of Rs 6.42 trillion, or 36% of the total target of Rs 17.87 trillion

The Controller General of Accounts reported that the budget deficit for the period of April through August in FY24 was Rs. 6.42 trillion. This is 36% of the overall goal of Rs 17.87 trillion for the entire year. Comparatively, the fiscal deficit for the same period in FY23 was 32.6% of the annual objective.

It’s important to note that India wants to reduce its budget deficit from 6.4% of GDP in the previous fiscal year to 5.9% of GDP by the conclusion of the current fiscal year.

At 2.75 trillion rupees, the primary deficit

The fiscal deficit, known as the primary deficit because interest payments are not included, was 2.75 trillion rupees. This is equal to 38.9% of the $7.06 trillion full-year goal. Between April and August of the previous year, the main deficit was 28.2% of the budgeted estimate. A key indicator of the government’s capacity to satisfy its spending promises without resorting to borrowing for interest payments is the primary deficit.

Revenue Shortfall: 2.84 trillion rupees

In FY24, the revenue shortfall for the months of April through August was 2.84 trillion rupees, or 32.7% of the estimated 8.70 trillion rupee revenue shortfall for the entire year. The revenue shortfall is an important metric because it draws attention to the discrepancy between revenue inflows and outflows, which includes ongoing costs like salaries and subsidies.


Strong Performance of Tax Revenue

Despite the country’s financial difficulties, net tax income in the first five months of FY24 totaled Rs 8.04 trillion, or 34.5% of the projected year total. The Rs 7 trillion that was collected during the same time period last year was significantly lower than this amount. Corporate tax was a prominent contributor to tax revenue, recording a stunning year-over-year increase of nearly 15% to reach Rs 2.39 trillion.

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16.72 trillion rupees in total spending

During the months of April through August in FY24, the government spent a total of Rs 16.72 trillion. This was significantly more than the Rs 13.90 trillion spent during the same period in the prior fiscal year, which represented 37.1% of the annual objective. This rise in spending shows the government’s efforts to promote economic expansion and offer essential assistance during trying times.

3.74 trillion rupees in government capital expenditures

Government capital investment, which includes funding for infrastructure and development projects, totaled Rs 3.74 trillion in the first five months of FY24. This is more than the Rs 2.52 trillion spent during the same period a year ago and represents 37.4% of the annual objective. This emphasis on capital investment is anticipated to be crucial to India’s economic recovery and chances for long-term prosperity.

Governmental Initiatives and Upcoming Challenges

The government’s attempts to enhance tax revenues and capital expenditures show a commitment to tackling economic difficulties and promoting growth, even though the fiscal imbalance is still a cause for worry. It would be vital to keep a careful eye on these indicators as the fiscal year goes on to judge India’s progress towards meeting its budgetary targets and maintaining economic recovery.

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