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The recently published book “Breaking the Mould: Reimagining India’s Economic Future” by Raghuram Rajan

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“Breaking the Mould: Reimagining India’s Economic Future,” a ground-breaking book written by economist Rohit Lamba and author Raghuram Rajan, was published

Breaking the Mould: Reimagining India’s Economic Future is a ground-breaking book written by economist Rohit Lamba and former governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Raghuram Rajan. This most recent work by Rajan represents a substantial investigation of the possibilities and difficulties facing India’s economic development.

The Remarkable Literary Journey of Raghuram Rajan

A Heritage of Perceptive Writings: Renowned for his deep understanding of both the Indian and global economies, Raghuram Rajan is the author of influential works including “Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy,” which was named the Financial Times Business Book of the Year.

Examining Economic Realities: He co-wrote “Saving Capitalism From The Capitalists” with Luigi Zingales, and other noteworthy works include “I Do What I Do: On Reform, Rhetoric and Resolve.” These publications explore the complexities of economic laws and the difficulties that face international business.

Acknowledging Social Dynamics: “The Third Pillar: How Markets and the State Leave the Community Behind” offers an insightful examination of how communities influence social and economic systems.


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Joint Venture with Rohit Lamba: An Original View Co-author Rohit Lamba: Working with visiting assistant professor of economics at New York University Abu Dhabi and assistant professor of economics at Pennsylvania State University Rohit Lamba, Rajan contributes a combination of academic rigor and experience to “Breaking the Mould.”

Objectives of the Book: “Breaking the Mould” aims to clarify methods for quickening India’s economic growth. The authors suggest developing human capital, increasing chances for creative and high-skilled services and manufacturing, and turning India into a center of innovation.

Examined Key Themes: Handling Economic Growth

Investment in Human Capital: The writers stress the importance of this kind of investment as a spur for economic growth.

Innovation and Creativity: The book sees India as a hub for creative projects and cutting-edge products, with an emphasis on manufacturing and high-skilled services.


Democratic Traditions: The writers acknowledge the democratic traditions of India while emphasizing the possibility of advancement via reforms in governance, such as bolstering democratic institutions and encouraging a higher degree of decentralization.

Critical Thoughts: Highlighting Achievements and Recognizing Weaknesses

Fair-minded Viewpoint: “Breaking the Mould” takes a fair-minded stance, praising the Indian establishment’s accomplishments while openly pointing out its flaws.

Call for Future-Oriented Thinking: The writers exhort India to rise above its historical confines and embrace a forward-thinking attitude as it considers the opportunities that lay ahead.

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