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The Satanic Verses writer Salman Rushdie stabbed at an event in New York, suspect has since been arrested

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Salman Rushdie
Salman Rushdie stabbed

Credent TV | Natwar Singh was a Union minister in the Rajiv Gandhi government when “The Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie was banned. On Saturday, he strongly defended the decision, saying that it was made “purely” for reasons of law and order. After Rushdie was attacked in New York, attention turned back to his book.

Natwar Singh, who was the minister of state for external affairs when the book was banned in 1988, said he was part of the decision and had told the prime minister at the time that the book could cause serious law and order problems because emotions were so high. Singh (91) called “rubbish” the claim by critics that the decision by the Rajiv Gandhi government to ban the book was made to make Muslims happy.

“I don’t think it was wrong to ban the book because it had caused problems with law and order, especially in Kashmir.” There was also trouble in other parts of India, “Singh said to PTI. “Rajiv Gandhi came to me and asked what he should do. All my life, I’ve been against banning books, but when it comes to law and order, even a great writer’s book like Salman Rushdie’s should be banned.” “the former diplomat who is now in politics said.

Salman Rushdie stabbed
Salman Rushdie stabbed in New York

Rushdie’s “Midnight’s Children” is one of the best books written in the 20th century, but Singh said that “The Satanic Verses” was banned only for reasons of law and order. When the book “The Satanic Verses” came out, it caused a lot of trouble because some Muslims thought it was offensive to their religion. Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of Iran, had called for Salman Rushdie’s death in a fatwa.

Singh strongly defended the decision made by the Rajiv Gandhi government, saying, “I think it was the right thing to do because it was going to cause serious law and order problems because feelings were running high, especially among our Muslim population.” “I told him, ‘The whole Muslim world is going to blow up. “We have a lot of Muslims, and what the book says right now is not acceptable, “he said.


Who stabbed Salman Rushdie

Salman Rushdie stabbed on stage on Friday while being presented at the event of the Chautauqua Institution in Western New York. Rushdie had received death threats for years after publishing “The Satanic Verses.” Hadi Matar, of Fairview, New Jersey, was the suspect, according to the New York State Police; the reason why the crime was committed is still a mystery. Prior to the speech, the suspect rushed the platform and assaulted the 75-year-old. The author had surgery after being taken to a nearby hospital. Singh expressed his “extreme anguish” about the assault.

He remarked, “Here is a 75-year-old guy who isn’t hurting anybody and is making literary contributions, and then some scoundrel comes along and almost kills him, and that too when he was giving a lecture in New York. Rushdie, according to Singh, fled England because there were more Muslims there than there are in the United States. “He is without a doubt among the greatest authors of the 20th century. I am thus really upset. Although I didn’t know him personally, I adored his “Midnight’s Children,” which I read numerous times and considered to be of the highest calibre “He praised Rushdie for his contribution to literature in what he said.

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