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How Does Social Climate Shape Transgender’s Lives?

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Let’s understand the term Social Climate first.

So basically, it is a climate where an individual gets surrounded by a group of people. Their ideas, their beliefs, attitude towards anything and, their opinions on any topic or subject, define the term Social Climate. Mainly, these ideas and opinions arise from some prominent people within the society. They share their beliefs and learnings with other members of society and make them adopt those beliefs.

What does transgender mean in sociology?

The term ‘Society’ plays a crucial role in an individual’s process of living a meaningful life. Society sets a structure for its people where one can live a healthy social life.

But is this structure fits for all the people? Are these beliefs and norms proving to be fair for all? To be more specific, does our society holds any place for the transgender community? If yes, then where and how? How equal is it to men and women?


To many of us, gender has been categorized into two basic and main categories i.e., man and woman. Our society, our system, our Syllabus barely includes Transgender in this main list. Even after passing the law Section 365, we don’t get to see the third category mentioned in many forms we fill. Also, our Education System still fails to include them in its syllabus which needs to be taken into a matter of concern. As a student, I have always been taught about men and women only, I didn’t learn anything about this third gender. Our course had no traces of them and this makes me feel so shameful now. 

Then comes Family, this is the point where I regret to be born in an Indian family. We often get our answers to ‘why’ in a form of fairy tales instead of mature facts and information. On asking about transgender in a train, my mom shushed me by stating, ‘This is their Business’. They make money by doing such strange things and makeovers. The image she created in my mind was so bad and so heartbreaking. Maybe, she, herself didn’t know the real story but framing anyone in a bad story is wrong.

Transgender discrimination

When your school and family are not considering them as people then how can you expect anything from society as a whole?

Social Climate Shape Transgender’s Lives?

Transgender individuals have been the subject of social rejection and discrimination for a long time not in India but in other countries too. They don’t get that support and stand which they deserve. Asking for money in trains and on occasions is not their business.  In fact, this is the only option our society has provided them for earning. 90% of their population face mistreatment and discrimination on the job. Because of a lack of public understanding, they are facing harassment everywhere.

What needs to be done?

Educate people around you about the third gender. Start within your family and friend circle.


Use the power of social media. Share your positive views and opinions on social media as much as you can.

Treat them equally and speak up if hear anything wrong against them.

Try to support them emotionally when they are struggling with rejection and discrimination at workplaces or any other public place.

Stop using words like Hijra, Chakka, and Kothi for them. It hurts their sentiments badly.

Treat them as humans, not as a joke.


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