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Van Mahotsav at A K Sharma

Credent TV | In sync with DAV VISION & MISSION of transforming young talent into excellence, in consonance with the contemporary and future global needs, ECO CLUB DAV Jaipur undertakes various activities like tree plantation, campaigns against noise and air pollution, and awareness campaigns amongst the society like “No Plastic for Me”, “Say no to crackers” and the most important one, the “Cleanliness Drive”.

Van Mahotsav at DAV Jaipur

As per the past practice, the ECO Club organized a tree plantation drive, “Van Mahotsav”, on July 29, under the leadership of Principal A.K. Sharma. A special theme-based morning assembly, say no to plastics campaign, and poster making were organized during the environment week.

Van Mahotsav at DAV Jaipur
DAV Jaipur Principal A K Sharma with Students

The students enthusiastically participated in this plantation drive and made the most of this monsoon season. More than 200 saplings comprising of flowering, shade giving, fruit bearing and medicinal plants were planted in and around the school campus. 

Van Mahotsav at DAV
Van Mahotsav at DAV

Big trees like Khejari, Karanj, neem, Siris, Ashoka, Jamun, mango, Amla, Lemon  were planted around the sports field. Flowering and medicinal plants were planted in the Shraddhanand park. The corridors were adorned with potted ornamental plants.

Van Mahotsav
Van Mahotsav

The principal kick started the drive by planting an Ashoka sapling. In his address, he highlighted the importance of the green cover and motivated the green brigade asking the young ambassadors of today’s generation to follow the small steps of conservation for a better and brighter tomorrow. The students pledged to take a good care of their green friends.

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