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Who is Mohan Bhagwat who allows Muslims to reside in India?”

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Mohan Bhagwat

According to RSS leader Mohan Bhagwat, the Sangh’s support helped the Hindu community finally awaken after more than a thousand years of warfare and as a result, there is a newfound sense of aggression among Hindus in India and overseas.

Some opposition parties and leaders criticized RSS president Mohan Bhagwat for saying on Wednesday that Muslims should stop using “boisterous rhetoric of dominance” but that they have nothing to fear in India.

The Left parties attacked the RSS chairman while the Congress remained silent. Asaduddin Owaisi, a Lok Sabha member and leader of AIMIM, agreed.

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Owaisi questioned Mohan Bhagwat, asking: “Who is Mohan Bhagwat to allow Muslims to reside in India or practice our religion?” Allah made us Indians because He desired it. He has no right to impose “conditions” on our citizenship. We are not in Nagpur to “modify” our faith or appease a group of purported celibates.


Mohan Bhagwat explained that the newfound aggressiveness among Hindus in India and internationally is a result of the Hindu society has been at war for more than a thousand years until eventually awakening with the help of the Sangh.

He claimed that Muslims in India have nothing to be afraid of but must give up their supremacy claims, and that “the basic reality” is that Hindustan should be Hindustan.

The CPI(M) described Mohan Bhagwat’s words as “atrocious” and claimed they represent an open and flagrant assault on the Indian Constitution, the equal rights of all citizens, and the rule of law.

“He has threatened the Muslim minority group, telling them that in order to be safe, they must give up their views supremacy.’” He claims that perceived historical wrongs are the reason why “Hindu society” is violent and that this is why Hindus are “at war.” He has essentially called for violence against a group of Indian citizens based on their religious identity, according to the CPI(M) politburo.

The party claimed that it was “Hindutva brigades inspired by the RSS ideology and supported by leaders like Bhagwat who have created a sense of siege in the minority community by their constant assaults on the constitutional and legal rights of minority communities at different levels,” rather than Hindu society, that was to blame.


The article said that Bhagwat’s views are a “update of the hate-filled communal writings of RSS luminaries like Hegdewar and Golwalkar that Muslims may live in India only if they accept a subordinate status.”

Bhagwat, according to CPI general secretary D Raja, is the “self-appointed keeper of Indian society,” and by making such utterances, he has once more violated the law and the Constitution. He claimed that Bhagwat’s assertion that the battle is not with an external foe but rather with an internal foe has revealed the RSS’s divisive goal. Such provocations must be resisted and overcome by working together, he continued.

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