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WHO Requests Transparency From China When Sharing COVID-19 Origin Data

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WHO Requests Transparency From China When Sharing .The epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic was the Huanan market in Wuhan, central China.

The WHO has called on Beijing to be open and reveal the findings of its investigations after Beijing withheld data pertaining to samples taken at a market in Wuhan in 2020 that could have provided crucial information about the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The epicentre of the pandemic was the Huanan market in Wuhan, central China. In late 2019, the SARS-CoV-2 virus quickly spread from its point of origin there to other parts of Wuhan and eventually the rest of the world.

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“The entire body of information necessary to understand the COVID-19’s genesis must be made available to the world right away. Three years ago, these statistics could have, and should have, been disclosed “Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), stated in Geneva on Friday.

“We keep urging China to share data transparently, undertake the required inquiries, and report the findings. A moral and scientific duty exists to understand how the pandemic started “he stated.


Ghebreyesus claimed that on Sunday, the global health organisation was informed of data that had been removed from the GISAID database lately after being published there in late January.

He explained that the information came from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and related to samples taken in 2020 at Wuhan’s Huanan market.

According to Ghebreyesus, scientists from many nations downloaded and analysed the data while it was available online.

He added that WHO also convened the Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens, or SAGO, which met on Tuesday. “As soon as we became aware of this data, we contacted the Chinese CDC and urged them to share it with WHO and the international scientific community so it can be analysed,” he said.

“We requested that scientists from the international scientific community and the Chinese CDC present SAGO with their data analysis results. Every piece of information is crucial in bringing us closer to understanding how the pandemic started, even though these facts do not offer a conclusive response “says he.


The New York Times reported on Thursday that a group of virus experts from around the world claimed to have “discovered genetic data from a market in Wuhan, China, linking the coronavirus with raccoon dogs for sale there.” According to the NYT investigation, starting in January 2020, “shortly after the Chinese authorities had shut down the market because of concerns that it was linked to the breakout of a new virus,” the genetic data was gathered from swabs obtained from within and around the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market.

The newspaper quoted three scientists who were engaged in the examination as saying, “In samples that came back positive for the coronavirus, the worldwide research team uncovered genetic material belonging to animals, including considerable amounts that were a match for the raccoon dog.

According to the report, the international team contacted the Chinese academics who had uploaded the files after discovering the fresh data and extended an invitation to work together. After then, however, the sequences vanished from GISAID.

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