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World Book and Copyright Day 2023

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World Book and Copyright Day

Every year on April 23, World Book and Copyright Day is observed to promote book reading, particularly among the younger generation

2023 is World Book and Copyright Day.

Every year on April 23, World Book and Copyright Day is observed to promote book reading, particularly among the younger generation. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) organised this event to combat the decreased importance placed on reading as a result of the abundance of information available from various sources. The goal of this day is to encourage people all over the world to develop a habit of reading books. The emphasis is on reading as a primary source of information and entertainment.

Theme for World Book and Copyright Day in 2023

In 2023, World Book Day will focus on “Indigenous Languages.” It emphasises supporting a nation’s variety of native languages.


2023’s World Book and Copyright Day: Importance

The purpose of Book and Copyright Day is to encourage book publishing and copyright protection, honour authors and their works, and promote reading and literacy. By observing this day, UNESCO hopes to raise awareness of reading as a fundamental human right, a means of education, and a means of fostering both individual growth and cross-cultural understanding. The importance of copyright laws in defending the intellectual property rights of writers and publishers is another issue that is brought up on this day. The overall purpose of World Book and Copyright Day is to raise awareness of the critical contribution that books, authors, and copyright laws make to enlightening our lives and forming society.

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History on World Book and Copyright Day

Vicente Clavel, the director of the Cervantes publishing house, first suggested the idea of honouring Miguel de Cervantes with a day in 1922, which is when World Book and Copyright Day first appeared. On October 7, 1926—Cervantes’ birthday—Barcelona hosted the first World Book Day celebration. The celebration was moved to April 23, the day of Cervantes’ passing, in 1930. This day was selected because it also happens to be notable authors’ birthdays and passing dates, including William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. In 1995, UNESCO declared April 23 to be the official World Book and Copyright Day.


UNESCO Headquarters: Paris, France;

UNESCO Founded: 16 November 1945, London, United Kingdom;

UNESCO Director-General, Audrey Azoulay

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