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World Health Day 2017 – Fighting Depression.

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The World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on 7 April,. The theme of World Health Day 2017, celebrated on 7 April, aims to mobilize action on depression. This condition affects people of all ages, from all walks of life, in all countries. It impacts on people’s ability to carry out everyday tasks, with consequences for families, friends, and even communities, workplaces, and health care systems. At worst, depression can lead to self-inflicted injury and suicide. A better understanding of depression – which can be prevented and treated – will help reduce the stigma associated with the illness, and lead to more people seeking help.

On this day student’s of SRN Family presented a role play, which depicted a student’s life and the struggle and level of depression thereafter, they face. The importance of mental well being and choosing right options is of utmost significance. The role play, brought forth the mental fight students put, when they achieve high scores and later when they score less. The expectations school, teachers and parents and now recently, coaching centres have from student’s. How teachers and parents should support and counsel student’s when they need them. All was the prime concern of the role play. Mr. Shashikant, one of our gurus rightly quoted,”When the going gets tough, the tough get going”.

The ways in which you can self-aid yourself in tackling a depressive spell are:

  • making a journal and writing about your feelings and emotions to de-clutter your mind and maintain a record of your emotional/psychological health. (B) Derive strength from your past struggles and how you overcame tough situations in the past. (C) Unwind – pamper yourself, reward yourself, treat yourself. (D) Do not blame yourself for events and circumstances which were unavoidable. Understand, what’s done cannot be reversed, make peace with it. (E) Learn to let go of memories, people, and things.
  • Usha Sharma, principal of the school ,emphasised that stundent’s should put their heart and soul in studies and the importance of mental well being, Children should not be afraid of any challenges and be brave to face every problem. Teachers and parents should counsel the students, to make them strong and face their fear’s.

Wishing you all a good physical and mental health!

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