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World Liver Day 2023

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World Liver Day

World Liver Day 2023: Facial symptoms of having a fatty liver

Every year on April 19, there is a celebration known as World Liver Day to bring attention to conditions that affect the liver. “Be careful, undertake a regular liver check-up, fatty liver can damage anyone,” is the theme for World Liver Day in 2023.

Every year on April 19, there is a celebration known as World Liver Day to bring attention to conditions that affect the liver. An additional digestive organ, the liver aids in the removal of toxins from the blood, creates bile, controls blood sugar levels, among other vital tasks that keep us fit and healthy. Cirrhosis, liver cancer, and other illnesses like hepatitis can seriously impair the liver’s ability to operate. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, however, is the most prevalent chronic liver disease (NAFLD).

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The phrase “non-alcoholic fatty liver disease” (NAFLD) refers to a number of disorders brought on by fat accumulation in the liver. When the liver retains too much fat in its cells, fatty liver develops. It occurs when your diet is too high in calories and fat and when your level of physical activity is too low. The few symptoms of fatty liver often go overlooked, but if untreated, it can cause more serious issues.


While the signs of fatty liver are subtle, it’s crucial to pay close attention to them. In reality, “Be attentive, undertake a regular liver check-up, fatty liver can damage anyone” is the topic for World Liver Day in 2023.

The effects of fatty liver on your face and skin can be seen in the following ways:

1. Itching

Since there are too many bile salts in the body, fatty liver disease can cause itchy skin. Itching may result from the buildup of these bile salts under the skin.

2. Rash on the face


The body’s capacity to absorb nutrients like zinc might also be hampered by liver conditions. Dermatitis, a skin disorder in which the skin becomes red and inflamed, can result from a zinc deficiency. Hence, if you experience inexplicable facial rashes, fatty liver may be to blame.

3. Puffiness

Face puffiness may be a sign of a fatty liver. According to Healthline, fatty liver can hinder the production of proteins in the organ, as well as blood flow and fluid excretion. All of this could make your face appear puffier.

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