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World Wildlife Day 2023 celebrates on 3rd March

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World Wildlife Day

World Wildlife Day 2023: On March 3rd, wildlife is celebrated all around the world as part of the United Nations World Wildlife Day

World Wildlife Day 2023.

The UN World Wildlife Day is observed on March 3rd each year as a day to honour wildlife. Given that CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, was signed on this day in 1973, it was chosen as the anniversary. This international holiday is observed every year to honour and raise awareness to the planet’s untamed flora and animals. On this day in 1973, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, or CITES, was also ratified. CITES strives to stop global commerce from endangering the existence of species.

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50th Anniversary of CITES.


In 2023, World Wildlife Day coincides with the 50th anniversary of the creation of CITES. CITES has been at the nexus of trade and conservation since its creation. It has made an effort to foster relationships and eliminate conflict among the many organisations that follow and are regulated by its rules.

Theme for World Wildlife Day in 2023.

In 2023, World Wildlife Day will be observed with the theme “Partnerships for wildlife conservation,” commemorating those who are making a difference.

The Importance of World Wildlife Day 2023.

The day is set aside to honour and spread awareness of the many wild flora and wildlife found around the world. This day offers a chance to emphasise the value of wildlife and their ecosystems. Also, it is an occasion to emphasise the need of their preservation and protection on a worldwide scale. The United Nations carefully chooses a subject each year to call attention to particular issues affecting animal populations and habitats.


The day is significant because it falls on the anniversary of the creation of CITES, a global agreement designed to protect endangered species from being threatened by commerce. World Wildlife Day serves as a reminder that biodiversity preservation is essential for the continued existence of all species, including humans.

History of World Wildlife Day.

The CITES convention, which prohibits the trade of endangered species of wild fauna and flora, was ratified in 1973. Their goal was to make sure that wild species of flora and animals are not endangered by global trade.The Conference of the Parties to CITES (16th CoP) convened in Bangkok on March 16, 2013. This conference saw the sponsorship of a resolution by the Kingdom of Thailand. World Wildlife Day is declared to be celebrated on March 3 by this resolution.

World Wildlife Day was formally declared on March 3 by the United Nations General Assembly’s Sixty-eighth session on December 20, 2013. It was to be observed in order to honour and promote awareness to the planet’s untamed plants and animals. On this day in 1973, CITES was officially approved.

The task of assisting the execution of World Wildlife Day falls on the Secretariat of CITES and other pertinent United Nations agencies.By controlling the trade in wild wildlife and flora, CITES, which has 183 member nations, continues to be one of the most effective weapons for biodiversity protection worldwide.

  • World Wide Fund Headquarters: Gland, Switzerland;
  • World Wide Fund  Founded: 29 April 1961, Morges, Switzerland;
  • World Wide Fund Director: Marco Lambertini..

What is the theme for World Wildlife Day 2023?

Partnerships for the protection of wildlife
2023’s World Wildlife Day will commemorate those who are making a difference by focusing on partnerships for animal conservation. Partnerships can encompass a lot of people, a small number of kids, or an entire school.

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