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Gandhi Jayanti Celebration at Kapil Gyanpeeth School

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[dropcaps]K[/dropcaps]apil Gyanpeeth School situated in Mansarovar celebrated Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October with full devotion & dedication. As it was announced by Sh. Narendra Modi, honorable Prime Minister of our country to, celebrate this day as the cleanliness day so we followed his footsteps very devotedly. The students from classes I to XI were called. The programme started with the Morning Prayer and the favorite devotional song of Gandhiji that is “Vaishnav Jan to Tene Kahiye_ _ _ _” was also sung by the students which made the environment quite ethical. Then the Chief Guests of the day Mr Sanjay Thokle (Sr. Div. Consumer Sales Manager) in IOC & Mr. Kartikey Mishra (Manager, Consumer Sales) in IOC adorned the portraits of Gandhiji & Shastriji with the garlands and then the Director Sir’s Sh. N.K. Modi Sir & Sh. Manoj Modi sir & Principal maa’m facilitated” the guests with bouquets. Then Mr Kartikey Mishra, gave a heart gendering speech and invoked the feeling of self cleanliness & the surroundings among the students. Then our reverend Principal maam also gave a speech and motivated the students to clean themselves & the surroundings not only on one particular day but should prolong through out the year maam also quote a famous saying by Gandhiji that cleanliness is equal to Godliness and she also said that if our mind is pure and clean then Goddess Saraswati will reside in it and if our house is clean then Goddess Laxmi will reside there. So cleanliness is mandatory for each & every person then our country would be clean & free from diseases. Then the students were asked by maam to take an oath of cleaning the environment..

Then started the activities by the students. These activities include weeding, pot painting, classroom cleaning, and lanes & by lanes, painted the basketball court, tube light & fans cleaning. The most highlighting act of the day was the cleaning of the boy washroom by Sh. N.K.Modi Sir. This proves that no work is menial. This cleanliness campaign will continue till 14th October and during this time rallies, poster making and many activities will on side by side. Then the students were given refreshments and finally the day ended with pious message cleanliness to all the students.

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