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Gandhis will attend today’s Raipur Congress Conference

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Gandhis , Raipur Congress Conference

Gandhis will attend today’s Raipur Congress Conference.During the three-day meeting, a schedule for the Lok Sabha elections in 2024 will be finalised, as well as a plan for forming electoral alliances with other opposition parties to challenge the BJP

New Delhi: Former Congress leader Sonia Gandhi, son Rahul, and daughter Priyanka were absent from a crucial gathering held in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, on Friday to discuss elections for the Working Committee, the party’s highest body.
Sources claim that the Gandhis wanted to allow the incoming Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge a free hand and not have any influence over his decisions. They will, however, be present for the remainder of the gathering, which aims to generate ideas for the 2024 presidential elections.

Sonia Gandhi handed over control of the 137-year-old organisation to ally Mallikarjun Kharge in October following back-to-back electoral losses, years of internal fighting for a reform, and a leadership exodus. The Gandhis, who are regarded as the party’s founding family, have a strong grip on it.

The Congress is holding its 85th annual plenary meeting in Raipur. At the three-day meeting, the party is anticipated to make significant decisions that will outline a plan for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections and finalise a plan for poll tie-ups with other opposition parties to challenge the BJP.

Congress lawmakers were anticipated to support Mallikarjun Kharge’s leadership at the steering committee meeting, which the Gandhis skipped, and open the door for a new working committee headed by him.


The Bharat Jodo Yatra, a large cross-country foot march organised by Rahul Gandhi that was intended to mobilise supporters and address the party’s gap with the electorate, will be discussed at the session, which will be attended by some 15,000 delegates.

The steering committee, which is filling in for the Working Committee after the previous one was disbanded during the change in leadership, will decide whether or not there will be elections for the highest decision-making body on the first day of the three-day session.

Also, the Congress will introduce 30 revisions to its constitution, some of which may affect how party units are organised at the village, mandal, and ward levels.

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Jairam Ramesh, the Congress general secretary in charge of communications, responded to a question on whether elections would be held for the Congress Working Committee (CWC) seats on Thursday “Tomorrow, the steering committee will make a decision. The steering committee meeting will undoubtedly include discussion of this issue… Today, I’m at a loss for words.”


“But, we are prepared for the (CWC) elections and everything is in place. Elections would be held if the ruling is in favour of the polls “At a press conference, Mr. Ramesh said.

The Subjects Committee will convene the same day at 4 p.m. to discuss six resolutions after the steering committee meeting, according to the Congress leader.

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