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Mothers’s Day Celebration at RIS

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You are the embodiment of love,
You are like a boon from above.
Like you there’s no other,
You’re the only one, you’re my mother.

The children of Montessori wing made their moms feel very special by their Mothers’ Day celebration on 5 May, 2015 in the Ryan International School Padmawati Jaipur  in school  Auditorium . The mothers looked extremely traditional and natty in their designer dresses. The children welcomed their moms with the songs ‘I Love you Mom’, ‘Mom’s Love is so wonderful’ and others. Music was made to match the melody of the little voices and the medley was melting. . An entertaining competition ‘Best out of waste/Ramp walk/Young chef, then occupied the gathering as the moms were actively egged on to their performance. Later, the children, guided along by their helpers brought out the refreshments for their moms. The eats had been planned lovingly by Headmistress Ms.Sarita Kaitiyar.

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