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Mr. S.D. Sharma, Principal, St. Joseph Convent School, Pratap Nagar, Jaipur

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One of the most imperative reasons for the advancement of mankind is its insatiable prying and spirit of enquiry which commence from the very moment of birth. Educators and teachers play a pivotal role as they gently nurture and guide the young minds and enrich them with values. They equip the young minds with the skills, ethics and social conscientiousness to emerge as performers. Bringing about this vital growth and transformation in the students is the school. It is therefore more than a cluster of classrooms; it’s a temple of learning.

The learning process in CBSE was given a new dimension when the CCE was introduced in the month of October 2009 with an intension of reducing the burden of studies on the students and percentage of suicide. It was introduced with an array of concepts of providing wider scopes to students to employ their inherent talent. It is evenly pertinent for students having good academic locale and for students having flair in other activities up to the students of classVIII.It will reduce trauma and angst which students often face before and after examination. The dropout rate along with the trepidation and anxiety will be minimized. The emphasis is given in the intangible and experimental learning rather than erudite comprehension. It will stimulate learning in affable environment rather than in fearful milieu. But the focal apprehension is how far this system is implemented successfully. It does not seem to be effective as predicted by CBSE. The RTE in the schools are also introduced for the students up to class VIII. This CCE pattern also takes care in minimizing the dropout rates especially for the girl students.

The grading structure has given more opportunity to achieve much as compared to earlier system. First-rate students always execute well under any dais but they feel motivated when their knowledge is challenged. If options are given for chapters students will definitely go for discerning study instead of the entire course.Their knowledge is restrained at their own choice. It’s a fact that the new grading system has no way motivated brilliant students having high caliber as they weigh at par with the average.

To conclude the school system or the grading format often curbs individual talent.


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